Saturday, September 27, 2008

We are back!!

Hello everyone, sorry it's been so long since our last post.

Well, lots has happened since we left Okinawa and we will share our journey with you here with lots of pictures.

We had our household goods packed up and shipped from Okinawa on the 23rd of July.
We left ourselves with an aerobed, one lawnchair, the laptop, and two suitcases.

Here is Gator wondering "Where in the world is my comfy couch?" (That's a little cleaning rag that he found)

We moved into our temporary housing called "Eagle Lodge". It is located out in town near the Airforce base. Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures of the lodge, but the funniest thing was that the shower was so small and the ceiling was so low that Phil had a very hard time taking a shower there.

We left Okinawa on the 3rd of August bound for Seattle, WA.
Here is us on a ferry that connects Seattle to Bainbridge Island. We are so close to returning to the civilian life!!! We stayed in Seattle until the 11th. Lots of different dramas occurred during the separation process, but we still had fun while staying in Seattle.
Of course, we had to visit Pike's Market.
We also went to a scenic state park. These kiddies are so lucky to have parents like us.
And.... We also made it to a Mariner's game. It was my first visit to a Major league baseball field. Even though, the Mariners got wasted by the Rays, we had so much fun eating hotdogs and cheering for Ichiro.

We flew to Denver, CO on the 11th of August. It was really late and we had to rent a car before heading for our home sweet home (Extended Stay America) for the next month or so.
Can We go home now??? These kids had to stay in this kennel ever since we left Okinawa. They did so well though.

Before we both started our new jobs, we took a road trip to Salt Lake City to visit Phil's family and Aggie's family.

It was a little over 8 hour drive and the kids slept about 7 hours of it.
We finally got to meet Joshua.
Phil and Paul took a nap together. How sweet...
It was a short trip but we played two rounds of golf with mom and dad Johnson and Mark (Phil's brother). Sorry, I forgot to bring my camera with us, so I do not have any pictures of our golf outings.

One last thing we did before going to work was "Taste of Colorado". All sorts of different restaurants set up booths with several of their delicious dishes to sample.
We took a light rail there so we didn't have to fight for a parking spot. The light rail was conveniently located right next to our hotel.

This garlic-butter grilled corn was probably our favorite thing we tried.

As long as there is food, we are happy go lucky!
This ESPN Zone is so awesome and it is right here in Denver!!!
This was delivered from an orthodontic office. A great welcome on my first day at work.

On the 6th of September, we participated in an event called "Pooches in Pink" for the breast cancer walk at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.
"Man, this dog really smells bad." Gator would not leave this dog's bum alone, so we had to speed up to another spot.
They were so tired after the walk. They slept the whole way home.

Well, that was a long post but hopefully it painted a good quick picture of our journey back home from Okinawa. Our home is still not organized yet, but here is a picture of our house from outside. We'll be ready for visitors soon.