Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the late February update.
This post will be a brief one since not much has happened since we last blogged. And for some reason I kept forgetting to bring my camera with me to places, so I don't have many photos to share with you.

We are still loving our life here in Denver.

We spend alot of our time playing with our kiddies. Here is Ali inside an empty bag of treats and Gator is looking up at us still hoping for a treat to come his way.

If the winter here is always like the winter we had this year, we will be very happy.

Yes, there were days it snowed and some days were so cold that we just wanted to stay by the fireplace, but it really was 100 times better than what we had expected. The best thing about Denver is that it is so sunny here with clear skies almost every day. It may be cold outside, but not gloomy to look at.

Most of our down time in February was spent decorating our house or looking for pictures, frames or mirrors to fill our empty walls.

Here are some of the additions that we made to our house.
We finally got our family photo framed and hung on the wall. We also got a sofa, coffee table and end tables. We think this living room is totally finished and it is our favorite room in our house.
Our bedroom was pretty close to being finished, but it just needed something on the wall above the bed frame. We couldn't find any cool frames, but did find these letters. What do you think?
We thought that we needed to spice up our guest bedroom. We added some more decorations, wall hangings, and a desk with computer. I apologize to the previous guests who had to stay in a much more boring room. This could be a great reason for you to come back for another visit. :)
Finally, we've added some more Florida stuff to our game room.

We also have been diligently improving our Wii skills. We are proud to say that now both of us are in Pro status at Wii Tennis. We also created Wii characters for Gator and Ali.

As for our pregnancy news...we are still trying. We have been what I call "casually" trying, but now starting March we are going to really really try. Hopefully soon we'll be able to share the good news with you.

See you again next month!