Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back in the USA

Hello Everyone!!!
Sorry for the late update on the blog.
We are finally here in Denver, CO. Gator and Ali are so happy to be back on land.
We are still living out of our suitcases though and it looks like it will be this way at least until the end of August.
Unfortunately my camera usb cord got packed with the rest of the shipment, so I can't share any pictures right now.
We spent 8 days in Seattle for the separation process and we also got a chance to make it to a Mariners game. We cheered really hard for the Mariners, but they ended up getting wasted by the Rays.
We are currently looking for a cute little home for us and our kiddies. Hopefully we will find one soon, so we can be done with hotel living.
Here are our cell phone numbers: Maria - 720-884-6365, Phil - 720-884-6371.
If you have any home buying tips, please share with us.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another Fun Week

This past week started with our 1 month anniversary on the 6th. Our plan was to eat our wedding cake, but we had left that at the Ritz Carlton in Maui. :(
Phil got us a cake that said "Happy 1 month" on it and it was delicious. Coincidentally, our wedding guest book that Leslie made with all our guest's photos and their comments arrived on the 5th. We loved looking through the photos and reading everyone's words. Thanks Leslie and everyone!!!

Thank you all for giving us ideas to help Ali potty train, because she has improved tremendously. She has also become more sweet and less bitey with Gator. Gator really has been so patient with her. Here are some pictures of our kiddies.
This is how they spend most of their time. laying around. Don't they look like they both had such a rough day?

Ali loves to snuggle with Gator, but Gator doesn't seem to love it all the time.

And.... Ali started to stick her tongue out like this lately. I think it is so cute like a stuffed dog animal and Phil thinks it is nerdy. We agree to disagree on this subject. :)

Finally, we cannot not mention about our golf game. We played twice this week and I think the heat is affecting our game a little. (just an excuse) :)
Of course, Phil beat me again, but only by few strokes. The last whole was the best moment of it all, when both of our second shots landed inches from each other. In 10 days, our clubs are going to be packed up, so we are going to get as much golfing as we can until then.

I tried the new Sumo Nike Driver that Phil won at the last tournament, and I am in love with it.

This chip shot landed right next to the pin and Phil got a birdie on the hole.
Is this crazy or what? Golf is just so much fun.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 4th Weekend

Since we were off work, our July 4th celebration actually started on the 3rd. We went to the Renaissance Resort here in Okinawa and played around in the indoor and outdoor pools and the beach. We had Hawaiian snow cone that we shared and also went down the water slides. The slides were mostly for kids, but we had to try it and it was so worth it.

We were planning on going to one of our favorite restaurants but we were too tired and wanted to just chill and watch a movie, so we saved the dinner plan for the 4th.

On the 4th of July at the Kadena Air Force Base, they were having a 4th of July celebration called "Americafest 2008". Even though it was scorching hot, we went with our patriotic spirit and had lots of fun.
We drove right onto the flightline and went through some security check points. They made sure that nobody was bringing any weapons such as knives or guns, and especially "brass knuckles". :) We had to take a picture of that sign.

There were lots of games and food vendors and of course we played most of the games, but didn't win any of the big prizes. We had teriyaki beef and huli huli chicken for lunch and had a snow cone again for dessert. We only stayed for couple of hours because it was so hot, but we went back later that night for the fireworks.

It was Ali's first fireworks experience and she got very scared of all the loud noises.
Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! From the Johnsons.