Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back in the USA

Hello Everyone!!!
Sorry for the late update on the blog.
We are finally here in Denver, CO. Gator and Ali are so happy to be back on land.
We are still living out of our suitcases though and it looks like it will be this way at least until the end of August.
Unfortunately my camera usb cord got packed with the rest of the shipment, so I can't share any pictures right now.
We spent 8 days in Seattle for the separation process and we also got a chance to make it to a Mariners game. We cheered really hard for the Mariners, but they ended up getting wasted by the Rays.
We are currently looking for a cute little home for us and our kiddies. Hopefully we will find one soon, so we can be done with hotel living.
Here are our cell phone numbers: Maria - 720-884-6365, Phil - 720-884-6371.
If you have any home buying tips, please share with us.

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Welcome back! I know you enjoyed Seattle as it's our favorite city to visit. I hope you were able to get a hot dog from the stand just outside the Mariner's stadium. Good luck finding a home. We can't wait for you to get settled so we can be one of your first visitors! Keep the updates coming!