Sunday, November 30, 2008


This past month flew by so quickly.
We took advantage of the warm weather in the early part of the month and went up to the mountains. We stopped at this place called Estes Park and played a round of mini golf. We also saw hundreds of Elk coming down from the mountain and just walking through town!

On the 7th of November, the first visitors to our house arrived, my parents from Florida.
We wanted them to enjoy their first visit to Denver, but all they wanted to do was be my "parents". Everyday we came home from work to find new stuff my parents bought from stores. They stuffed our pantries and closets with months supplies of papertowels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, and much more from Sam's Club. And, we also came home to yummy food. It was awesome, but we also wanted them to enjoy their time here. On the weekend, while we were off from work, we took them around town and visited The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. We also convinced them to drive out to the mountains, so they went up to Vail and Winter park by themselves while we were at work.
Also while my parents were here they spoiled our "kids," Gator and Ali. They were fed more scraps during this week then probably the past couple of months!
And it was while my parents were in town, that we had our first snow. Here is a picture of our little Ali's first poo in the snow.
My parents and I flew together to Salt Lake City to be with Aggie's family for little Joshua's one year birthday. Phil wasn't able to come since he works on Mondays. Even though it was just for couple of days, I was so happy that I was able to be part of his birthday. In Korea, the 1st year birthdays are big events.
After another week of busy work, our second visitors came to our house, Aggie's family. Phil and I were all over little Joshua. He is so precious. And Paul was big enough now to play catch with a football with us. It was so much fun to have lots of noise and laughter in the house that is usually quiet with occasional barks here and there.
Here are some pictures that we took while babysitting Joshua.

Here is Joshua reading the morning newspaper.
Here is Joshua enjoying a morning bagel.
I'm sorry I didn't take many pictures this week to share.

From the night before their departure until the end of the weekend, it snowed here. We made a little snowman in our back yard.

And... This is our front yard full of snow.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Yay! It's about time you posted another entry! :)
Looks like you guys had a great time with all of the visitors! I love winters in Colorado, beautiful snow but still sunny and warm enough to enjoy the outdoors. Have I mentioned lately how jealous I am you guys are in COLORADO??? We hope to visit soon!

Beat Emetaphobia said...

It sounds like you guys are having a great time in Colorado. You've got very cute nephews and that Joshua seemed to have a wonderful birthday party. I hope we can visit you guys soon. We're looking forward to more updates on your blog.