Sunday, February 1, 2009

January 2009

January started off in the Johnson household with a big celebration, the Gators winning the National Championship title!! Both Phil and I wore our Gator gear to work and could not wait to get home to watch the game.
It was one of the most stressful games we've watched yet. All of us had at least one piece of gator gear on except for Ali.

We also had our third visitor to our house, one of Phil's best buddies, Troy (aka TK).
Troy was in town for the Rocky Mountain Dental Convention and came in a few days early to spend some time with us. Gator warmed up to Troy right away, but Ali growled at him the whole time he was here. We went to Champps (sports restaurant where we watched Arizona beat up Carolina), Sushi Den (Voted one of the best sushi places in Denver), watched Gran Torino, and watched tons of football. It was a short visit, but we had lots of fun.

We had unusually warm weather this month. One of the days, the highest temperature even reached low 70's (a record high here in Denver).
We were able to take Gator and Ali for walks and we even had to take their sweaters off by the middle of our walk due to how warm it was.

Phil took me to my first NBA game. Phil is a huge Jazz fan and they were playing the Denver Nuggets. We were able to get floor tickets right behind the Jazz players. It was so much fun.
We were close enough to smell D. Will's sweat!!!
Here is a player who we think looks so much like Ashton Kutcher.

We couldn't wait for the last week of January as we had planned to take a quick weekend trip to Salt Lake City to visit our family and also to watch the Lord of the Dance.
Phil's parents were awesome hosts.
Our guest bedroom welcomed us with a little goody bag with treats and fresh doughnuts for Phil on the bed. (Phil loves doughnuts!!!)
They also had our new favorite "Aveda" products for us to use.

We woke up the first morning to a yummy smell of a home cooked breakfast. Dad made these so called Strawberry Blintz. They were very delicious. This one was my plate...
This was Phil's... and wait 'til you see dad's plate.
Dad fixed himself this plate. Somebody loves whip cream!

After breakfast we went to see Jen (Phil's sister) and Dan's place.

We spent some time playing with little Lilly and Davis. Little lilly was just starting to take some steps.
We watched Davis and Lilly fight over a box of toys. oh, kids.
This is their family dog, Sophie. She is such a cute little Beagle.

We also went to visit Mark (Phil's brother) and Wendy's family. Phil tried to learn how to ride the ripstick with Zach and we also played Wii Tennis, bowling, and golf with the kids. Phil is now convinced that we need to get Wii at our house. Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures.

All of us went out to dinner and met with my sister's family at the Buca di beppo.
Here is all of us at the table, starting from my left.

Suku, Joshua and Aggie
Dan, Lilly, Jen, and Davis
Dad, Ashley, and Mom
Mark and Wendy
And... us.

This is how much food we had. The room we ate in was called the "Pope Room" and the statue on the middle of the table was a pope. Paul kept spinning the table so that the "scary" pope wasn't looking at him.
Little Lilly worked on getting her socks off of her feet, while...
Davis had successfully placed more pasta inside his mouth than outside.
Phil managed to put Joshua to sleep (once again).
Aggie contemplating whether she should try for a girl or not.
How can you not after looking at this little face. :)

We said our good byes to Aggie and Jen's families after dinner and the rest of us headed off to see the Lord of the Dance. We couldn't take any pictures during the show, but here are some pictures before and during the intermission.
Wendy and I were very excited before the show.
Phil and Mark had to have little treats and to my surprise they did sell these movie treats here. The show was unbelievably awesome. We could not stop tapping our feet and wanted to try the dance that they made look so much easier than it really is. If you haven't seen it yet, I have no doubt that you will love it. Go onto this website and see if there is a show coming to your area.
We came back to Denver on Sunday morning and picked up our kiddies from the boarding place.
We brought out the bag of dog biscuits from Uncle Mark and Gator tore into the bag and got a biscuit out in less than 5 seconds. I wish I had gotten it on a video. They were so happy to be home.
Thanks everyone for viewing our blog. Please stay tuned for more exciting news from next month.


Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

How wonderful that you are so close to so much family (and that they are close to each other!) Looks like ya'll had a great time!

I watched Lord of the Dance in college at Biloxi and LOVED it, too! Steve and I just went to see a show in London and we both couldn't stop humming those tunes for several weeks later. I love the whole theater experience!

Looking forward to hear of your February adventures! (You are motivating me to update my blog!)



Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, that Pope IS scary, I don't blame Paul for moving the table around!

We have a Wii and have spent many a entertaining night bowling, etc. I'll tell you though, I boycotted it for almost a year after we went "real" bowling one day after I bowled 200+ on Wii, and did Terrible (<50) at the real game. It's a lie, I tell you, a Lie!!! :) But fun, nonetheless, and happy to say after a year break, I am again Wii bowling. :)

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Loved the January update. Glad to see Phil is such a Gator fan. Go Gators! It looks like you had a great trip to Utah. I'd love to have donuts waiting for me on my bed! You mentioned in Leslie's blog that you guys wanted to plan another big trip and that Phil was putting a vote for Hawaii again. We are going to try to go to the ADA meeting in Hawaii this year so think about it. Maybe we could link up there. You're always welcome to come visit us in El Paso, too! Looking forward to next month's blog update.