Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dentistry from the Heart

I'm so sorry that it took me so long to post the August update, it's been a busy time.

This August marked 1 year of us residing here in Denver, CO and also our 2nd year of participating in "Dentistry from the Heart".
When we got here last year, before we even moved into our house or started our new jobs, we participated in an event that was hosted by my office called "Dentistry from the Heart". It is an annual event held on the 4th Saturday of August at my practice where we provide free dental work to people who cannot afford dental treatments on regular basis.
If you are interested in the event, you can check out the website:

One week before the event, my practice set up a booth at a community event called "Western Welcome Week". I took Ali with me and she enjoyed all the attention she got from all sorts of people.

One week later, here are pictures from the "Dentistry from the Heart" event.
This is about 6:30 in the morning. Patients were already lined up to register. We started to see patients at 8 am.

This is the picture of all of us who volunteered for the event. We had three doctors (Dr. W (my boss), Phil, and myself), ten hygienists, eight assistants, six front desk staff, and more than fifteen hospitality people. Some volunteers were friends of our staff members, and some were our actual patients.

Here is us three doctors getting prepped by Lisa.

Here is Phil working hard.

Here is me working hard.

Here is us eating some food to get some energy to see more patients. We had unbelievable community support for this event. All the food that you see on the table was donated and what you see is only half of what we had. We had donations from Olive Garden, Starbucks, Einstein Bagels, Safeway, King Soopers, and more. I can safely say that no one who was working went hungry that day.

Every patient got a t-shirt that says "My Dentist has a Big Heart" after their treatment. From 8am to 5pm, we saw 125 patients and provided close to $30,000 worth of free dentistry. Most importantly, we had so much fun and it is an event that we look forward to now every year.

Our next year's date is already set. Let me know if you would like to participate!

Other than that, we really didn't do a whole lot this month.
We did play in another golf tournament, this time we won 2nd place as well as winning both the men and women's closest to the pins!!
We didn't take any pictures during the tournament, but this is taken right before we tee'd up on our first hole.
Hope everyone is doing good and enjoyed the short blog this month, next month's will include our final golf tourney of the summer, a trip to Utah to see family and more!!!

Thank you again for visiting our blog!


Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Thanks for posting this blog per my request I made earlier this week. It didn't make it in time to be a study break (which is probably a good thing because I needed every minute I could take to study...reminded me of my procrastination days cramming at UFCD!), but it sure makes for a good celebratory post-studying internet browsing break! Looks like you have an awesome job, I'm glad you love it!
Hopefully we will be seeing you guys in a few weeks in NM! Love, Leslie

Beat Emetaphobia said...

What a great event. I can't imagine seeing that many patients. You guys must have been beat! As always, we enjoy reading your blog every month. We look forward to seeing you guys again soon...I hope!