Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 2009

Wow, I have been really behind in our blog updates. I am really sorry. I blame it all on the Twilight Saga that has taken away a lot of my free time. Now that I have read the Saga twice and watched the first movie enough times to memorize all the lines, and have seen New Moon, I finally have found the time to put together all the past blogs.

November was the month of visitors. My parents came up and stayed for one week. Then they left to go see my sister and while they were gone, Phil's parents came for their first visit. My parents then came back for another week before they flew back home to Florida.

My parents came in right after our biggest snow storm and luckily, the weather warmed up very quickly, melting almost all the snow right away.

Of course, we took this opportunity to hit the golf course. 6 of the 18 holes still had snow on the course. I was glad that we were able to play golf at least one time, especially at my favorite course.

Phil's parents came right before another big snow storm.

We took them to a teppanyaki place for dinner. The chef was really funny and the food was very delicious. We had a great time. Take a look at some of the great action pics we took!

It was also mom Johnson's birthday, and to celebrate we all went to see the broadway show "Wicked".

Don't they look so much alike? Phil says when dad didn't have any gray hair, people thought they were brothers.

We all really enjoyed this show, and would highly recommend it to everyone. We had so much fun. Mom Johnson liked it so much she bought all kinds of Wicked stuff!

My parents came back just when all the snow had melted. They could not have planned out their trip any better.

We went out to eat at the best Korean bbq restaurant in Denver (according to us), called Seoul BBQ. We were so hungry, that we totally forgot to take a picture of the food before we ate it all! It's hard to tell in this picture, but there is a grill right in the middle of the table, where we grill the meat (or meats) of our choice. We also get unlimited side dishes, about 10-12 different kinds of fun stuff. If you love Korean food, this restaurant should definitely be on your list of places to visit in Denver.

All the visitors left us just before Thanksgiving, and I was not motivated to do a big Thanksgiving dinner for just the two of us.

It took us no more than an hour to prepare our meal, yet it was one of the most delicious meals we've had on Thanksgiving. Thanks to Honeybaked Ham store, we had the most yummy ham and turkey. We finished this meal just in time for the highlight of the night.

The Broncos Game!!!
This was our first Broncos game at Invesco field at Mile High and my first NFL game I have ever been to!!! It was so exciting, especially because we won!

Here is our new young coach, Josh McDaniels, in his two sizes too big sweat shirt. :)

Here is the final score board.

Thanks for visiting our blog. I'll make sure to update the next blog on time.

October 2009

We had a very mellow month of October. Week days are usually uneventful with our normal routine with work and coming home to our cutest little dogs.

On the weekends...

This is usually how you would have found me, on a couch with my Twilight book.

This is how I usually found Phil on Sundays, eyes fixed on NFL football. Thanks to Direct TV's red zone channel, Phil doesn't need to change channels between games. It constantly shows football, with no commercial breaks, jumping from game to game.

Of course, on Saturdays, we continue to cheer for the Gators. All wins so far this year!

This month, we decided to dress up our garage a little bit. Our neighbor talked us into this garage floor coating. This is suppose to help it keep it nice, and to help keep it clean.

It does look really nice. It is too bad that we don't spend more time in the garage.

I came to realize that Halloween doesn't mean a whole lot unless you have young children. However, this year we had an excuse to dress up for Halloween. An event coordinator from Aspen Grove Mall asked my office if we could put up a booth for the "trick or treat street".

I dressed up as a tooth fairy and Phil was a ghost buster. We handed out more than 1000 tooth brushes and toothpastes. Many parents appreciated receiving something other than candy.

To end the month, we had the biggest snow storm of the year and the biggest snow storm I've seen yet. It is really pretty to watch it snow, but it is the opposite of fun to drive in it.

The best thing about Denver is that right after the snow storms, it is back to blue skies with sunny weather. It is the most beautiful place I've lived in.