Sunday, November 29, 2009

October 2009

We had a very mellow month of October. Week days are usually uneventful with our normal routine with work and coming home to our cutest little dogs.

On the weekends...

This is usually how you would have found me, on a couch with my Twilight book.

This is how I usually found Phil on Sundays, eyes fixed on NFL football. Thanks to Direct TV's red zone channel, Phil doesn't need to change channels between games. It constantly shows football, with no commercial breaks, jumping from game to game.

Of course, on Saturdays, we continue to cheer for the Gators. All wins so far this year!

This month, we decided to dress up our garage a little bit. Our neighbor talked us into this garage floor coating. This is suppose to help it keep it nice, and to help keep it clean.

It does look really nice. It is too bad that we don't spend more time in the garage.

I came to realize that Halloween doesn't mean a whole lot unless you have young children. However, this year we had an excuse to dress up for Halloween. An event coordinator from Aspen Grove Mall asked my office if we could put up a booth for the "trick or treat street".

I dressed up as a tooth fairy and Phil was a ghost buster. We handed out more than 1000 tooth brushes and toothpastes. Many parents appreciated receiving something other than candy.

To end the month, we had the biggest snow storm of the year and the biggest snow storm I've seen yet. It is really pretty to watch it snow, but it is the opposite of fun to drive in it.

The best thing about Denver is that right after the snow storms, it is back to blue skies with sunny weather. It is the most beautiful place I've lived in.

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