Saturday, January 22, 2011

8 weeks and almost 2 months!

There has been some big changes with Chloe this week.
First, my parents went back to Florida, so Chloe started her daycare on Wednesday.
But, the biggest change is that she started to sleep 5 to 6 hour stretches at night (usually from 9pm to 2am) and totally skipping one feeding. She also does not fuss hardly at all anymore before she falls asleep. We think she is such a good girl!

We also found out that she likes to fall asleep in her car seat. Who knew?!? So when she starts to show signs that she is ready for her nap, then we put her in her car seat and she is out within a few minutes.

We were running low on onesies that fit her right now, but thanks to Susie, Chloe now has a drawer full of clothes that she can wear right now. This one is our favorite! Phil says she looks like a candycane.

She loves the jacket as well but she wasn't too sure about this hat! :)

She looks adorable in this piggy onesie too!

Doesn't she look so happy and alert? We enjoy our wake time with her! She seems to change so much so fast!

Here she is again spending her nap time in her car seat.

She also easily falls asleep on our shoulders. But we have been trying to get her down before she gets to this point so she learns to fall asleep on her own. She has been doing great so far!

Here are some different facial expressions that she will do during her wake times.
Here is a skeptical face, maybe?
A happy face!
And, it would appear that she has even learned to "eye" flirt!

The day has come to take Chloe to her daycare for the first time. We packed her diapers, wipes, butt paste, extra sets of clothes, blanket, milk, bottles, and a pacifier. Thanks everyone for helping us pack on facebook!

Here we are at her new daycare, "Parker Landing."

This is her classroom. Chloe is sitting in a bouncy seat on the right hand side. She is the youngest one in the class (by 2 weeks). When we first got there, she was very intrigued by her classmates. One of them even crawled over to say "hi" to Chloe.

It was easy to leave her because Chloe is too young to realize what's going on. She seems happy to be here!

We also found out that Chloe likes to watch us run on the treadmill. She will even fall asleep during our workouts. This is great because she will help me (and Phil) get back into shape easier and faster. Hopefully...

Due to the high popularity of last week's video clip, we are adding another short video. I apologize that the lighting is a little dark. Hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

7 weeks!

Chloe is now 7 weeks old. She is eating between 3 to 4oz every three hours except at night time, then we feed her when she wakes up. She has been extending to about 4-5 hours of sleep at night. We can't wait for her to sleep throughout the night...
She fits pretty tight in most of her 0-3month clothes already and she has moved onto 1-2 size diapers! Eating is not a problem for our little girl :).
Her two month check up is on the 26th of January, and we'll find out how much she has grown then. She is such a good eater and a very healthy baby.

This winter in Denver has been really mild. We didn't think we could use our Bob stroller until spring time, but we have already gotten several uses out of it.
If the temperature reaches at least 50 degrees, then we bundle up Chloe and go out for a walk around the neighborhood.

Here is our monkey! She didn't love the car seat at first, but she is really starting to enjoy it. I think she now associates the car seat with either a car ride or the stroller walk, both of which she really likes!

We always have onesies on Chloe because; one- it is very convenient and two- she sleeps so much that it is very comfy for her. But, we also felt like all of her cute clothes are not getting any use so we dressed her up one morning just for fun. How does she look?

Did someone request to see her chubby cheeks up close? Don't you just want to smooch those cheeks forever?

Here is a short clip of Chloe cooing. She is talking all the time these days. She sometimes even will talk while feeding.

Chloe is still having her tummy times, although she doesn't love them. We can only have her down on her tummy for about 5 minutes max before she starts to get fussy.

Here is the look from above. Oh, what a cute little bum. :)

Phil is really good at making Chloe smile and laugh (She loves her daddy!). We've been having a lot of quality wake time that are full of these smiles. It's the best part of the day.

Gator wanted to come check out who was making all the noise.

Chloe had her first visit to a restaurant Friday night on my dad's birthday. We went to one of our favorite places to eat here in Denver, Seoul BBQ.

As you can see, we had a feast. We ordered the smallest combination course that was supposed to feed up to 3 people, but wow maybe for 3 big linebackers! It was deeeeelicious!

Halahbujee must have taken hundreds of photos already with his cellphone. We think he will have some "Chloe withdrawal" symptoms now that he is back in Florida.

Well, you didn't need three linebackers to finish all that food. Just four hungry adults will do. We never leave this place regretting the decision to come eat. Chloe got to smell the yummy bbq and she even downed one bottle of yummy milk at the restaurant.

Thank you Chloe for being such a good girl. We had our doubts, but it definitely was a successful first restaurant trip.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

6 weeks old!

We can't believe that Chloe is already 6 weeks old. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were waiting for her arrival in the labor and delivery room.
As you can see in these pictures, she has grown so much in the last 6 weeks. Her face, especially, has filled in for sure.
And, ever since we had our counsel session with our private "baby raising" advisor, Susie, Chloe has been less fussy. Hooray and thank you, Susie!

Chloe started to move into 3month old clothes. They are definitely roomier, but the length fits better for her.

Before the year ended, Chloe saw her first snow storm! It is definitely pretty to watch the snow fall.

Phil used the pillow to prop Chloe up for feeding and then Chloe fell asleep using the pillow. She looks like a big girl, huh?

Here are some different pics of our sleeping beauty.

Chloe watched her first Gator game with us. She got to wave "good bye" to Urban Meyer. Go Gators!!!

Chloe is really liking the swing now. Sometimes, she will even fall asleep in it.

She started to make funny faces and noises. We want to believe that she is trying to mouth some words to us.

Her best naps have been in the late afternoon. She looks so peaceful...

After her nap we removed the blanket to find Chloe in her new favorite sleeping position. When we saw this it made us think she will roll over sometime soon.

Halmunee (Grandma in Korean) loves little Chloe! We wish halmunee lived near us!!!

Chloe and her dad here are bonding during Sunday football time. Looking at her face, Chloe doesn't look too sure about this football "bonding" time.

We try to skip the diaper change in the middle of the night. We usually feed her and put her right back to bed. Unfortunately, she had dropped a good amount of #2 in her diaper at 3:30am so we had to change her diaper. And of course, she is wide awake now, so we had some wake time for about an hour.

Everyday, Chloe has about 5 to 10 minutes of tummy time. She is starting to control her neck better and better each day.

Here she is, again sleeping on her side. Are there other babies who sleep like this?

More smiles these days than fussy times for sure. Every wake time has been filled with these wonderful little smiles.

As predicted, after a few crying bath times, Chloe has realized that bath times can also be enjoyable. She hasn't cried during her bath times since last week. What a good girl!

Happy New Year everyone!!!