Saturday, January 15, 2011

7 weeks!

Chloe is now 7 weeks old. She is eating between 3 to 4oz every three hours except at night time, then we feed her when she wakes up. She has been extending to about 4-5 hours of sleep at night. We can't wait for her to sleep throughout the night...
She fits pretty tight in most of her 0-3month clothes already and she has moved onto 1-2 size diapers! Eating is not a problem for our little girl :).
Her two month check up is on the 26th of January, and we'll find out how much she has grown then. She is such a good eater and a very healthy baby.

This winter in Denver has been really mild. We didn't think we could use our Bob stroller until spring time, but we have already gotten several uses out of it.
If the temperature reaches at least 50 degrees, then we bundle up Chloe and go out for a walk around the neighborhood.

Here is our monkey! She didn't love the car seat at first, but she is really starting to enjoy it. I think she now associates the car seat with either a car ride or the stroller walk, both of which she really likes!

We always have onesies on Chloe because; one- it is very convenient and two- she sleeps so much that it is very comfy for her. But, we also felt like all of her cute clothes are not getting any use so we dressed her up one morning just for fun. How does she look?

Did someone request to see her chubby cheeks up close? Don't you just want to smooch those cheeks forever?

Here is a short clip of Chloe cooing. She is talking all the time these days. She sometimes even will talk while feeding.

Chloe is still having her tummy times, although she doesn't love them. We can only have her down on her tummy for about 5 minutes max before she starts to get fussy.

Here is the look from above. Oh, what a cute little bum. :)

Phil is really good at making Chloe smile and laugh (She loves her daddy!). We've been having a lot of quality wake time that are full of these smiles. It's the best part of the day.

Gator wanted to come check out who was making all the noise.

Chloe had her first visit to a restaurant Friday night on my dad's birthday. We went to one of our favorite places to eat here in Denver, Seoul BBQ.

As you can see, we had a feast. We ordered the smallest combination course that was supposed to feed up to 3 people, but wow maybe for 3 big linebackers! It was deeeeelicious!

Halahbujee must have taken hundreds of photos already with his cellphone. We think he will have some "Chloe withdrawal" symptoms now that he is back in Florida.

Well, you didn't need three linebackers to finish all that food. Just four hungry adults will do. We never leave this place regretting the decision to come eat. Chloe got to smell the yummy bbq and she even downed one bottle of yummy milk at the restaurant.

Thank you Chloe for being such a good girl. We had our doubts, but it definitely was a successful first restaurant trip.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Guys,

She is a beauty! Looking forward to meeting her sometime soon! Need to talk to Susie about making a trip up to see you guys before she gets too big!
