Sunday, May 3, 2009

April Showers (snow) bring May flowers

April was another fun and exciting month for the Johnson family.

The first weekend, I flew out to Gainesville, FL for one of my best friends bridal shower. (Disha) It was unbelievably awesome to see "The Girls" again (minus a few). It has been more than three years since I've seen some of them. We don't kiss and tell in our group, so I won't share every detail of our weekend together, but I will share some pictures with you.

Here is all of us right after couple of hours of spa and relaxation.

This is all of us all dressed up in front of our limousine for the night.

This is at a little cafe where we ate breakfast before we said our "good byes" 'til Disha's wedding in June.

Some of us could not pass up on the opportunity to stock up on more Gator gear. Alissa, Anabel and I stopped at the Reitz Union before leaving Gainesville.

Oh, just one more picture. This is Screech. He is Alissa's baby, well, up until she had real babies. Soon, you will get to meet the other babies of my friends; Albert, Tucker, Macchi, and Sake.

Talking about babies, we had lots of fun with ours this month.

We try really hard not to feed Gator and Ali with our food, but they are very persistent on trying to taste anything that we eat in front of them.

Here is the close up shot. Aren't they so cute?

We had our fourth visitor to our house. Angie was visiting Colorado from Okinawa for job hunting. She stayed with us for couple of nights. I'm so mad that I didn't think to take any pictures while she was here. Hopefully, she had a good impression of Denver and will end up taking a job near us.

We thought we were done with the snow, but we had another really big snow storm again. It always seems to snow on the weekends here.

This storm was on Friday afternoon and we had about 6 inches of snow already.

This is Friday night, and it is still snowing and Gator is really not happy about having to go out in snow to do his business.

We tried to make it fun for Gator to get out in the snow. Here is a little video clip of it.

It is Saturday morning, and it is still snowing!

Phil made this big snowman, but because it warmed up so fast, it toppled over the next day!

This is Saturday night, and it is still snowing. By Monday though, most of the snow had melted and it was back to 60's to 70's weather. Crazy, huh?

Ali loves to look outside the window, especially if Gator is still outside sun bathing. She will also look outside and start growling at birds.

So, we added this little birdhouse in our backyard hoping it will attract more birds. We have not seen a bird eat from the feed inside the birdhouse, but we did find a bird bathing in our water fountain. I tried to get a picture of it, but I must have scared the bird and it flew away.

Just this past Saturday, we participated in an event called Furry Scurry. It is an annual event of a two mile walk around a famous park here called Washington Park. All the proceeds go to help the homeless animals.
It was a little bit chilly, but many people came out for the event (More than we expected). We think there were more than a thousand dogs there.

We had just finished the registration and we are headed off to the start line. Gator did really well, but we think it was little bit too overwhelming for Ali.

Can you see the white banner way up ahead? That is the start line, and we were still pretty far up in the front of the pack. There were all kinds of dogs at the event and we did meet up with few of the dashchunds as well.

We moved away from the group whenever we could, so that nobody would accidentally step on our little kiddies (Especially Ali).

We did it!!! We are almost at the finish line and Gator hadn't barked or misbehaved a single time during the walk and Ali only struggled a couple of times. We were very proud of our kiddies.

After the walk, we went to eat sushi at a new sushi place near our house. We were so happy when a boat full of sushi was brought to our table. I believe we tried: A spicy tuna/salmon/shrimp crunch roll, sushi boy roll, and Phil's favorite, Spicy Tuna roll. We already have a favorite sushi place just two blocks from this place and we got to know the owner of that place really well, so we sort of felt guilty eating at this new place. We'll have to go eat at the other place soon.

We are hoping for more sunny weather in May and another exciting month to share with you all. Thanks for reading our blog and as always, we love your comments!


Unknown said...

Snow in April??? That's crazy. We have been blasting the AC for the past month. Miss you Maria. See you in less than 2 months!! Disha

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Hey, since I'm one of the "girls", I get all the details and juicy gossip of Disha's bachelorette party/shower, right?!?!? :)

That's a cute video of your kiddies! Ali still has that puppy youthfullness; Tuck would be just like Gator--old man party pooper! He doesn't mix with snow too well. But, he does LOVE to sunbathe...perhaps our boys would get along better now that they are a little older?!?

Enjoy that crazy Colorado weather--I love it! :)

We hope to see you guys soon! Leslie & the Boys (Steve & Tucker)

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Hi Maria and Phil (and Ali and Gator, too!). We enjoyed having you guys this weekend. Gabby still says "Maria went home". Maybe one day we'll be able to visit you guys in Colorado. Thanks for the dinner again...Phil is a quick and sneaky one! Thanks again for all the special treats and for driving such a long way to see us. We're lucky to have friends like you!