Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Busy Month of May

The month of May flew by us so quickly. Possibly because it was jam packed with so much fun and activities.

After the Furry Scurry on the first weekend of the month, we went on with our normal routine grind of working and playing with our kiddies.
Two days before Mother's day, I received a surprise gift at my work.

Everyone at my work got a big kick out of this one. One of them called her husband and told him that "Dr. Johnson received flowers from her dogs."
It was the most beautiful bouquet of lilies that I've ever received. They bloomed and lasted for more than a week.
"Thank you Gator and Ali!!!" (and mostly Phil!)

Another Mother's day gift was to go see David Copperfield at the Center for Performing arts.

We had a quick bite to eat and did some shopping before the show.

Here we are at the "Back Stage" coffee shop nibbling on little treats before the show. Phil always wants some kind of treats before any kind of show, whether it be movies or concerts or even magic shows.

We gave Mom Johnson a quick jingle to say "Happy Mother's Day" before the show.

We didn't know what to expect. This was the first time that either of us had been to a live magic show. We thought it was incredible. After every little act, we looked at each other and asked "how did he do that???". The last act of the show was the biggest highlight. David Copperfield was going to make 13 people in the audience disappear. He had 13 giant balls tossed into the audience and we were suppose to toss it up while the music is playing and whoever holds the ball when the music ends has to come up to the stage. And guess what??? Phil caught a ball!!!! I was thrilled. I don't think Phil was as thrilled as I was, but he didn't have any choice but to walk up to the stage. All 13 of them sat on chairs and a cover was pulled over them and about a minute after when they were uncovered, all of them were gone and reappeared behind our seats. It was so exciting. Phil was given an autographed photo of David Copperfield and was told never to tell a soul what really happened. :)

I got it out of him after I took this picture how it happened. :)

The following weekend was time for our 2nd road trip since the Salt Lake City trip we took last year. We were headed to El Paso to see our friends Susie and Tony. They had just given birth to Sophia in March and their daughter Gabby was turning two in May.

Kiddies were very excited, but little did they know that they would be traveling for about 10 hours.
We filled up our gas tank to the rim and Phil picked up "Road treats" and we were on our way.
I just wanted to share with all of you what exactly Phil brought back from the store that he thought were good "Road Treats". He was very happy about his decisions. :)

We started our trip at 3:30pm on Friday. Our first stop on our trip was Albuquerque, NM.
We entered in the address of our hotel and our Navigation system "Natasha" told us that it was going to take us exactly 6 hours.

Road trips are fun because there is so much more wiggle room in the agenda. We also could take our kiddies with us. Although, it was pretty hard to travel with them. Ali cried almost every hour of the first night in the hotel. We assumed it was because it was a different place and she must have not liked it.
We arrived at the hotel in Albuquerque. Doesn't it look mystical? (sort of?)

We unpacked and got the kiddies settled in and walked over to a Mexican restaurant for dinner.
The next day morning we got on the road at about 10 am for El Paso, TX.

Please meet Gabby and Sophie:
This is "care-free" Gabby in her PJ's.

This is "prettied-up" Gabby with her pig tails.

And.. This is Sophie who is only couple of months old.

Oh, and I can't leave out Albert, their first baby. Albert is named after The University of Florida's mascot.

We spent Saturday and Sunday with them and left their house on Sunday afternoon. It was a short trip, but we had so much fun with their little girls. It sort of was like a mini parenting workshop for us. Susie and Tony are such a good parenting team and we learned so much from them by just watching them. Here are some pictures from our trip.

Gotta love those hound dogs...

Albert knows to wait patiently for some food scraps.

Gator and Ali learned pretty quickly too.

Our Kiddies loved Gabby and I think Gabby enjoyed the attention from two other dogs as well.

Gabby is playing "mom" with Sophie.

Here is Super mom, Susie.

Gator is taking a nap with Albert.

Here is Gator taking a nap in the lawn. "Ah, This is a vacation!"

And here he is again, napping.

And, again.

There are so many more pictures, but I'll add just one more.

Gabby eating watermelon was one of the highlights of the trip. She ate it like in this picture for little bit, and then she would set the watermelon on a bowl and put her mouth to it and eat it that way too. At the end, she would take the bowl and slurp all the juice up. It was really cute. Susie and Tony, we had so much fun with your family. Thanks for your hospitality. We can't wait to get together again.

Since we came back to Denver, the weather has been really nice. There were some sunny days mixed in with some thunderstorms, but overall beautiful weather.

This month's addition to our house was this grill. As you can see in this picture, Phil was very excited to grill up some corn on the cob and some bbq meat.

One last thing planned for this month was to run in the BolderBoulder 10K.
This is me and Candi all geared up and ready to run. Candi has ran in this race for the last three years and she convinced me and Phil to run in it this year.

I told Phil that our goal is to finish strong to the end.
We did finish strong. We kept a good pace from the start to the finish, about 91/2 minutes per mile.
This was by far the best race we've ever ran in. The energy in the crowd was so good and it was amazing running into the CU stadium to finish. We are definitely going to make this our annual race.
We don't have any pictures from our actual run, but you can check out these links to see some pictures that were taken of us while on the race.

Thank you so much for keeping up with our blog. I'll end this long blog with a picture of Phil and the kiddies enjoying the beautiful weather.

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

What a great month of May! It was such a treat having you guys visit us and we hope we can make it up your way one day, too. Gabby still talks about Ali and Gator (she's named two stuffed dogs after them). We wish you two weren't so tight lipped about David Copperfield's magical secret. We'll get it out of you one day! You looked great running. I never looked so happy when I ran. You must have known where the camera men were! Well, we enjoyed this month's blog and look forward to next months. Until then!