Sunday, January 3, 2010

December 2009

The first week of December was the coldest it has been since we've moved to Denver. There were days where the highest temperature only reached mid 20's and the lowest temperature went down to -10 degrees.

This picture was taken around 4pm in the afternoon. Burr...

Not knowing how cold it was going to get, Phil and I signed up to run in the "Colder Boulder" the first Saturday of December. Leslie gave us some good advice on cold weather running gear, and we braved the weather and headed to Boulder.
I think the temperature was in the high 20's or low 30's. Once we started running, we forgot how cold it was. We were glad that it was only a 5K, and I was happy for the free Chick-fil-a sandwich at the end.

The next weekend, we went to downtown Denver to watch the "Parade of Lights". We stayed for only about 30 minutes and then chickened out to find a place to eat dinner because it was so cold.
We also saw Rocky, the Nuggets mascot. He is really funny.
Next year, we think we might plan ahead and book a hotel room to enjoy the show. We found out that the Brown Palace (one of the oldest hotel in Denver) allows dogs and they also have a pet pampering package where they bring in a portable pet bed and special Brown Palace pet food and bowls. Doesn't that sound great?

As a Christmas gift to my staff, I took them to a show downtown called, "Girls Only". We laughed so much and had an amazing time, that we all decided to do a "Girl's night" every month from now on. I strongly recommend this show to all ladies out there.

Phil and I went to the Nuggets game again. Phil is really good at finding good tickets last minute.

Here are close up pics of Carmelo and Chauncey.

Troy and his son, Henry came for a visit just before Christmas. Troy wanted to take Henry to his first NFL game and we were able to get awesome club level seats to the Broncos vs Raiders game. Too bad that we lost, but it was a great way to watch the game.

The kiddies enjoyed the company of Henry and Troy. Ali is usually not so friendly to our visitors, but she loved Henry.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
I'm sure most of you have already seen this picture. When we took this picture, we meant for the kiddies to be looking at the camera, but for some reason, they decided to stare at each other. It was too funny and we decided we had to make this one our Christmas picture.

Gator does not like wearing clothes. He gets all sad and usually goes into his house. He wore his "Christmas sweater" all day though and was mostly happy.
Ali, on the other hand, loves wearing clothes. It must be the dry winter weather that causes a lot of static and it causes Ali's hair to go in all different directions.

Christmas morning started with waking up, making Cinnamon pull-aparts (monkey bread), and then opening presents. Christmas morning monkey bread has become one of the Johnson family traditions.
Obviously, I did most of the opening of the presents. Don't worry, I did let Phil open couple of them. The kiddies were very curious as well.
OMG, what is this? Santa got me an Edward doll from Twilight. I love it!!!

After all the presents were opened, Phil and the kiddies are back on the recliner.
We got invited to my boss's house for Christmas dinner. The kiddies were also invited and had fun playing with Bernie (their Bernese Mountain dog).

Here are two pictures of Gator and Ali sleeping.
Gator is usually on the bed by the fireplace, but Ali loved to sleep underneath the tree for some reason. Aren't they so cute?

This was taken the day after Christmas day. Can you see something that's different? That's right, the kiddies got a brand new bed and it is more fluffy and comfy than the old one. They seem to love it, don't they?
Happy New Year Everyone! We hope that 2010 will bring much joy and happiness to all of you.

1 comment:

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

OMG, Ali's static hair is too funny!

Loved the blog update and all the photos! Looked like December was a fun month! Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

Love, Leslie