Wednesday, March 3, 2010

January 2010

It is a Korean tradition to make and eat "dduk guk" on the morning of New Year's day. The only problem was that I didn't know how to make it. I asked my mom and she told me that I needed to buy some ox tail bone and boil it for a few hours, and then cool it off to skim off the fat, then repeat it again for a few days until the water becomes a milky color. Well, that just sounded too complicated for what I wanted to do. So, I asked for a short-cut version and this is what it looked like:
As you can see, the broth is not a milky color at all, because I used beef broth instead. However, Phil did not know the difference and enjoyed it just as much as he would have enjoyed the authentic version. Maybe, next year, I'll prepare for it ahead of time to have the correct version of "dduk guk"

January was not too busy for us. Kiddies are always on one of us like this and sleep most of the time. They have the easiest lives ever.

We went to another Nuggets game in Jan. Thanks to many specialists who give us free tickets to these sporting events, we get spoiled.

Here is one of our favorite players. His name is Chris Andersen, but he is better known as the "birdman". In this picture, he doesn't have his signature hair-do, though.
I know it is not nice to make fun of people, but at this game, there was this security guy who was totally stuck in 60's or 70's with his two sizes too tight uniform and his John Travolta in Grease hair-do. It was too funny to pass up the photo op.
Here are pictures of Gator and Ali chewing on their raw hides. They love these things.

The last weekend of January, I traveled down to Dallas, TX to see my best friend, Leslie. She lives in this really cool, contemporary apartment where she could simply call the concierge to go up to her apartment to walk her dog if she is out and about. Isn't that so cool?
Tucker is Leslie's baby. I hadn't seen Tucker since Dental school and boy he looked healthier than I remembered and so well behaved. I was very impressed with this new Tucker.

Leslie and Steve took me to this Tex-Mex place.
Very delicious!!! Apparently Tex-Mex is what most of us think Mexican food is.

Here is the happy couple.

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Yay! A pleasant surprise to see 2 blog updates! I still check every now and then. The Mexican food in Dallas looked really good. Glad you guys had a great time!