Wednesday, March 3, 2010

February 2010

Phil and I started off February slow (except for a fun Super Bowl party at a friends home) and uneventful with no pictures taken until Valentine's Day weekend came along.
We planned a little getaway to the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. The kiddies were able to come with us since the Broadmoor is a pet-friendly resort. Gator and Ali are very excited!
Friday after work, we packed our bags and the kiddies and headed down to Colorado Springs. It took us close to an hour to get there.
They were not kidding when they said that they were a pet-friendly resort. Gator and Ali got their own envelope of check-in information with dog tags that read "official guests of the Broadmoor."
They also each got a pet bed, a food bowl, and a welcome gift bag with gourmet doggy biscuits.
The Broadmoor is nestled at the base of the Cheyenne Mountain and the resort has a beautiful golf course that holds PGA and LPGA tournaments. The weather was too cold for golf, but I already know that we will be back soon with our golf gear.
Here, Phil is trying to figure out where things are and what to have for dinner.
We went out in the brisk night to check out the grounds of the resort. It is hard to see in this picture below, but I am standing right by the lake that separates the main building and the West Wing, where we stayed.
We walked around and found a small theater, a nice fitness center and pools, spa, restaurants, tennis courts, and many shops. We couldn't figure out what to have to dinner, so we ended up having room service the first night.
The next morning, we woke up to a beautiful day.
The picture above is taken from our balcony and the building straight ahead is the main resort building. The white snow filled ground is the lake that I mentioned earlier. We decided to check out the fitness center and the pool in the morning, and got our workout in.
We went out in town to find something yummy to eat and stumbled across this Italian place called, "Mollica's Italian Market". I had the most yummy sandwich that I've ever tasted.
Afterwards, we headed towards the "Seven Falls".
We drove into the park, but we u-turned right back around. Apparently the falls are all frozen and the only thing open is the giftshop at the top. So, our back up plan was to head to the zoo that is nestled right in the Cheyenne Mountain.
I have never fed giraffes before at a zoo. You can buy three crackers for a dollar and these giraffes will come to you with their long tongue out for those crackers.
We also saw two fighting zebras. It was interesting to see so many animals that I always thought needed the hot African climate to survive, living in a zoo in Colorado Mountain.
This one zebra kept going after the other and head butting him and stuff. Finally the other one kicked his back legs up and taught the other one a lesson. We were watching the entire thing, it was crazy! This was definitely the best zoo experience I've ever had. We saw so many different, and unique animals. I'll just post some more pictures of them.
We took so many more pictures, but I won't bore you more with all of them.

We had passed by some Mexican restaurants earlier and since Phil LOVES Mexican food, we decided to stop at one for dinner.
As you can see Phil is very happy with his order of Fajitas.

And, I am very happy with my order of a gigantic burrito. We gave this place a two thumbs up approval.

You would think that was a really good Valentine's day, but there was one more thing waiting for us when we got back to our hotel room.
This was part of the Valentine's day package deal.
We wish all of you a belated Happy Valentine's Day!!
The next day morning, we slowly got ready to head back to Denver.
But first, we went down and had an amazing Sunday brunch. Now that I'm writing this blog, it feels like all we really did was eat during this mini vacation.
The kiddies got to take a final walk around the resort grounds before we left.
Thank you Broadmoor for the beautiful weekend. We had so much fun, that I'm already planning when we are going to return back.

Nothing else very exciting happened for the rest of the February, except we went downtown one night to celebrate with one of our Oral Surgeon friends who just took his board certification exam.
Congratulations Jeremy!

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