Saturday, May 22, 2010

We are pregnant

Hi, everyone. I'm sorry for the long absence. I guess I've been a little lazy.
After waiting month after month, and after all those home pregnancy tests I've bought, we finally saw the two lines that we've been waiting for.
I know, it's hard to see the two lines. So, I took my friend Susie's suggestion and got another pregnancy test. This one is truly fool proof.
We were so excited. March 13th was the day that we found out that we are going to be parents. And coincidentally, my parents were coming for a visit on the 15th. Phil and I had decided to not tell anyone until at least confirmed by the doctor, which wasn't scheduled until April 7th. But, I couldn't keep the news from my parents who were staying here for weeks. They were super excited as well. It was a great way to celebrate our news.

We celebrated with yummy Mexican food.

Ooh, look at that burrito. We love green chile smothered burritos...
We were actually down at Colorado Springs for the weekend and visited ancient Indian Cliff Dwellings.
It was amazing to think that people actually lived here. Here are some more photos.

The weather warmed up where we didn't need big coats anymore. I've been watching this show called Man vs. Food on the travel channel and I learned about this best burger place in Denver.
As you can see, we are dressed lightly and also enjoying the warm sun.

We went in to get burgers, but the wings on the menu caught our attention. Since it was our first time trying it, we went for bbq with ranch (semi screamin'). They were some of the best wings we've ever had. Next time, we think we can brave the screaming', because the ones we got were not screamin' in our opinion. They were delicious though.
Everytime, I look at this picture, my mouth waters up. I can't wait to go back there. It is in Denver's Cherry Creek area and is called Cricket Burgers.

Before my parents left us to go see Aggie's family, we took them to Nuggets game. I think it was my parent's first NBA game they've been to.
My mom, especially loved it. She told us that she definitely wants to go back to see another game.
That's all for March.

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