Monday, June 28, 2010

First Doctor's Check-Up

It is official! We have a baby growing in my belly!
On April 7th, 2010, we went in for our first doctor's visit.

This is the first ultrasound photo of our baby. We heard the heartbeat, but the baby was measuring a whole week smaller, so we went in for another ultrasound a week later.

As you can see, the baby has tripled in size and even though it was still measuring small, the doctor gave us a big okay sign saying that the baby is growing well and that there is nothing to worry about.

We carried on our normal routines.
Here is Phil feeding Gator and Ali.

Here is my dad feeding Gator and Ali. They are getting spoiled as much as possible now, because they may not get much attention when the real baby comes. Hopefully not...

Right before my parents went back to Florida, we took them to the Rockies game.

My parents are sitting in our season tix seats. We couldn't get all four seats next to each other, so Phil and I sat few rows behind them.

Yum... Is it just me, or are bbq ribs yummier at the ballpark?

Yeah! The Rockies won! My parents want to come back in August or September for another Rockies experience.

So, my pregnancy was going really well until I hit the 9th week, when nausea hit me everyday after 6pm. But, that didn't stop me from too much. I still worked, ate, and played. But, throwing up everynight started to get old fast.

Here is a cute picture of Ali. Where she is sitting at is our laundry room/Gator and Ali's feeding space. Gator is basically finished with his food as soon as we put down the bowl, but Ali takes her sweet time. This photo was taken about 5 minutes after we gave them both their dinner and then we were out in the living room watching TV. We still hadn't seen Ali come out yet so we peeked around the corner to find her sitting at the doorway just like this. I think she is so cute, but Phil continues to say that she struggles.

We also went to a Nuggets vs Jazz playoff game despite my nauseousness. We were too excited to go, so there was no way that we were going to miss the game. I had to hurry and find a trash can in the parking garage to throw up, but I felt so much better afterwards that we were able to stay until the end of the game. Phil had the total control of the camera this night, and only pictures that I have from the game are Jazz players.

And that pretty much sums up our April!

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