Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chloe's Arrival

It's been 41 weeks and finally the signs of Chloe's arrival has come. Contractions started on November 24th at 1am and we labored most of it at home and finally arrived at the hospital at 1am on November 25th. Just as I got admitted to the labor and delivery room, my water broke.
After 4 more hours of closer and more intense contractions, and 25 minutes of pushing, Chloe arrived. Chloe Rae Johnson was born on November 25th, 2010 at 5:53am, on this year's Thanksgiving day.

Here is Chloe being weighed for the first time. Her official birth weight....a whopping 8 lbs 9 ounces!

Chloe is all cleaned up and wrapped into a little package! She was very alert for the first 2 hours...looking around and everything.

My doula, Penny, got to hold Chloe for the first time. Phil and I are so thankful for Penny. We wouldn't have made it through this experience as well as we did without her. Thank you, Penny!!!

Here is my super energetic OB, Dr. Brashear. It's hard to see, but the right side bin holds the placenta. It was way bigger than I thought it would be.

Chloe was taken away for her vaccinations and her first sponge bath. I didn't get to see it, but Phil says she did awesome. When she was brought back, she looked even cuter than before!

We are now in our recovery room. Chloe was now able to snooze, but I still had too much adrenaline pumping through me to take a nap.

Here is the proud dad. Phil was also too excited to sleep even though he was (almost) as tired as I was.

Chloe nursed for the first time. She fell asleep again as soon as she was done. We still can't tell who she looks more like, me or Phil.

Chloe is 1 day old now.

Both Chloe and I were doing so well that we were given the option to go home instead of spending another night at the hospital. Of course, we jumped on that. There is no better place than home, right? Here is Chloe in her "going home" outfit.

This outfit also comes with this sweater/sweatpant set.

She did surprisingly well strapped down in her car seat.

Here is Chloe hanging out with her dad before going to bed. Gator and Ali got to say "hi" for the first time. It may take couple of days for them to realize that Chloe is here to stay!

1st visitor/ 3 days old
Jeanette, one of the hygienists at our dental practice, was too anxious to and wanted to see Chloe asap. Chloe also had her first Pediatrician's visit in the morning. She weighed in at 7 pounds and 13 ounces. She cried a little, but overall did really well.

More sleep...
She is actually alert more lately, but still, most of her time is spent sleeping.

We will try to update more pictures weekly. Stay tuned for more cute pictures of Chloe.


Unknown said...

Welcome Chloe!! Looking forward to watching you grow. I know your mommy and daddy are so proud.

Unknown said...

She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her!!

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Chloe, we were so excited when we heard you finally arrived. We had been counting the days! You are absolutely beautiful and you are lucky to be born to such a great pair of parents. We hope we can meet you in person very soon! We love you!