Friday, December 3, 2010

It's been a week!

Already, one week has gone by since Chloe was born. She has enriched our lives so much. The feedings every three hours do get tiring sometimes, but all that tiredness goes away when we look into her sweet little eyes. To us she is perfect in every way.
She's been sleeping in her own crib since day 2 and is eating and pooping very well. She does have moments of fussiness, but what child doesn't. Right?
Here are some pictures that we took this week...

Most of her day is spent sleeping, so many of the pictures of Chloe are of her sleeping. Doesn't she look so sweet? I send these photos to Phil while he's at work, so he doesn't miss her too much.

She is all bundled up into a cocoon. She loves to be swaddled.

We were getting ready for our 2nd pediatrician's visit on a very cold and windy day. As you can see, I put her in her cute panda sweater.

When she is not happy, she is very voiceful about it. Her weight went back up to 8lbs 2oz.

She is still not happy when it's time to go home. I think it's the carseat that she doesn't like.

Another picture of her sleeping. She is actually taking a nap on our bed.

Lisa came to visit Chloe. She can't wait to babysit our little one.

Sometimes, she will stay alert for awhile after feeding time, and so we were trying on different hats and then we came across this bow. What do you think? I think she looks cuter with a hat.

Phil helps me out with the nighttime feedings on the days that he can. Well, I got up at 4am to feed Chloe, and she wasn't in her crib. So, I walked into the guest bedroom where we sleep during the nighttime shifts, and this is how I found both of them. Phil says this was the only way she would fall asleep. I love them both so much!!!

Now, she is asleep in her own crib.

And sometimes, she will wake up without crying and just lay in her crib all content. Isn't she awesome?

We tried out the swing for the first time. She liked it, but didn't sit in it for too long.

Here is another picture of her just alert and happy as she can be.

We promise this is not staged. She was in this position just after her feeding all on her own. She is super cute.
Hope you enjoyed the photos. As promised, I'll continue to post photos of Chloe weekly.


Beat Emetaphobia said...

OMG, she is super cute and I love her coloring. She is absolutely PERFECT you guys! It brings tears to my eyes. It brings me back to when my girls were that small. It's these moments that make you forget the pains of 3rd trimester pregnancy and the L&D. This has brought me some reassurance for my upcoming delivery. I just need to focus on that bundle of joy! You and Phil make a great team. These times are tiring, but like you said, it's hard to complain when you have that sweet baby look up to you in complete dependence and sweetness! Love her and enjoy her. Soon she'll be walking and talking. Hard to believe, huh? Keep up the blog. It's such a joy to watch little Chloe grow!

Leslie said...


...and ditto what Team Koagel said!!!! ;)