Wednesday, December 29, 2010

1st Christmas and 5 weeks old

Chloe's one month date is here! She has been so much fun to have here at our home!

As you can see in this photo, Phil was putting lotion on her face after her bath, and with some extra lotion, he decided we needed to style her hair. Can you see the styled front portion? :)

Our friend, Susie, took pictures of her baby each month on the same chair. So we borrowed that idea and decided we wanted to do the same with Chloe. This was the test run photo the day before her 1 month birthday (Christmas) to see if this chair would work.

Chloe's routine has been pretty steady and it also includes her fussy times. Almost always before her nap, she has her bouts of fussiness. Is that normal??? We think she looks cute even when she is fussing. That might not be normal...

It is feeding time, but Chloe is still tired. She looks very chill with her arm propped up on the pillow, huh?

She still sleeps with her arms up above her head. She is such a silly little girl.

This is Phil testing to see if Chloe is hungry or not. She is rooting hard on his nose, so she must be hungry!!!

Christmas is here!!! We are also celebrating her 1 month birthday. Thanks to Susie, we had a perfect outfit to wear.

It will be fun to see how much she grows each month as we continue to take pictures of her on this same chair.

Santa brought lots of presents to the Johnson family, but the best present of all was Chloe!

We made our Johnson family tradition, Christmas day monkey bread to start the day. Doesn't it look delicious?

Chloe had fun opening her 1st Christmas presents. Some of the presents got opened by her mom before Christmas day. Sorry, Chloe...

All of the excitement wore her out and she fell asleep while opening the presents...

Christmas day in Denver was one of the warmest days. The high temp was around the mid 50's, so we took this opportunity to take Chloe for a little stroll.

She is liking her new bouncy chair. What's not to like about it?

She sits in it and observes what's going on around her.

We'll leave you with another picture of her sleeping. Doesn't she look so peaceful?

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Love the onesie, love the Christmas PJs, love all the photos! Yes, it's normal for a baby to be fussy. It's a miracle if you never have to deal with some fussiness. Just hang in there. These times fly quicker than you think. Soon she'll be getting up on that chair all by herself for her monthly photo!

Good luck at your first day back at work. Sad times when you have to leave your baby girl, even if it is just for the day. Thanks goodness for your parents for being there during your transition.

Hugs and kisses to Chloe. She gets cuter and cuter everyday.

Team Koagel

PS. The monkey bread looked delicious!