Thursday, December 23, 2010

4 weeks old, almost a month!!

Chloe is now 4 weeks old and will be one month old on Christmas day.
She's been on a good routine of feeding every three hours during the day and extending to 4 to 5 hours during the night. During the day, her wake times have been getting longer each day as well.
Unfortunately, her crying times have increased as well. (Or, should we say her fussy times?)
It took her about two weeks for her to stop crying during the diaper change, so we are hoping her bath time cries will stop sometime soon too!

This is the typical picture of Chloe's bath times. She cries bloody murder until she is out of this basin.

Now, she is very happy in her warm towel. The good thing is her cries never really last too long.

She sleeps really well after the bath.

She usually wakes up happy and alert. She still sleeps a lot on our bed. It's a habit we will soon need to break...

Chloe's having some "tummy time". This is suppose to help strengthen her neck muscles.

Daddy getting some loves before going to work.

This is her Christmas outfit. We couldn't wait until Christmas day to put this on her. :)

Another picture of her sleeping. I just can't stop staring at her face. We think she is sooooo cute!
This is her sleeping in her playpen. She has many places right now that she falls asleep in.

Thanks to my parents, Phil and I got to have a date night! We went to see the Blue Man Group performance. It was great spending some "our time" together.

Now, she is sleeping in her crib. She's been doing really well without being swaddled.

She woke up in the middle of her nap, but the pacifier helped her fall right back to sleep.

After work, dad gets to feed Chloe. Chloe has been holding her gaze on us throughout her feedings. She is becoming a big girl.

This is her typical fussy time (evenings). During this time, we put her right into her crib or her playpen. She usually cries/fusses herself to sleep in about 10 to 15 minutes. It's hard to listen to her cry for that long, but we've realized that in the long run this is the best for all of us.

Chloe is getting better at her "tummy times". She can lift her neck and move from side to side.

See, she can really hold her neck up!

Sorry for so many of her sleeping pictures, but most of her time is still spent sleeping. She loves to have her arms out of the covers.
Thank you for keeping up with our blog. Hopefully, I can keep up with this weekly updates even when I return to work.

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