Saturday, December 18, 2010

3 weeks old!

What's new this week? Well, Chloe met her "halmunee" and "halahbujee" (grandma and grandpa in Korean) and has decided to move out of her swaddle for good. She is still eating well and farting and pooing like crazy!!!

In the beginning of the week, she was still being swaddled as always. Although, she started to not sleep well in her crib until we laid this comfy quilt down. I know it is not recommended to put down anything soft in the crib, but Chloe did not like the hard mattress.

Another outing to the photo studio to view the proofs of her newborn photos. She is starting to do better in her carseat. The pacifier really helps.

Now, Chloe has two other people to fall asleep on.

Halmunee and Halahbujee have to fight for "Chloe time."

Halmunee claimed the feeding time. We think this is Chloe's favorite time of the day.

This week, Chloe started to have one fussy time per day and it usually comes at night time. She finally fell asleep in mom's arms. Doesn't she look so innocent, like she never fussed at all.

Here is Chloe taking a nap on the guest bed. This is what made us put the quilt down in her crib. She sleeps so well on either our bed or the guest bed and we think it is due to the soft comforters and mattresses.

Chloe has been fighting the swaddling for about a week, but at first we insisted on swaddling her. Now we think Chloe is one of those babies who does not like swaddling so much, so we decided to move her out of the swaddle blanket.

Chloe is giving her dad a big hug. (again, not staged)

She loves to bring her hands to her face while sleeping. We thought this would cause her to wake herself up, but somehow she sleeps very well just like this.

She is sleeping in her new onesie. Phil and I can't stop staring at her cute little face.

Next week, I'll post some photos of her bath times and her "tummy times". Hope you are enjoying these photos.


Beat Emetaphobia said...

Your mom and dad look like they are in soooo much LOVE! I think your parents will start looking for a place nearby now! Chloe has the cutest, chubbiest cheeks! Well, it's too bad she doesn't want to stay swaddled but hey, if she sleeps better without, then go for it! Both of my girls were swaddled tightly for months but I have a feeling this 3rd will be much like Chloe and do it's own thing and be different! Don't you just love girls clothes? It's so fun to see them in their new outfits. I was so happy to see another entry. I always look forward to it. Keep it up!

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...
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Leslie said...

How did I know that when I saw "one comment" already that it would be the almighty faithful Team Koagel?!?! Susie is a rockstar....

I love when my computer shows that you have posted a new entry! Your blog has become my newest blog stalking addiction! I LOVE Chloe's chubby little cheeks, too, and I can't wait to take naps with Chloe in the guest bed! ;) She looks so so sweet!

The Johnsons said...

Thanks ladies!!! We love her chubby cheeks too!
We can't wait for you to meet Chloe!