Friday, December 10, 2010

Chloe is two weeks old!

This second week has shown some new sides of Chloe.
She has actually started to smile here and there. I was lucky enough to catch some of these beautiful smiles on camera.
She starts with this small smile.......

And then, she will end up with this big smile!!!

She loves to hold on to our fingers while she feeds. I've been pumping milk into bottles and Phil has been enjoying the feeding times as well.

Chloe sleeps much better on our bed and we've been sneaking her into our bedroom a few times. This photo was not staged. Isn't it so funny? Her head is so small!

Chloe is growing so fast that she is already growing out of her newborn clothes. We put this "Gator" outfit on even though it is pretty chilly outside and she loved it!

Gator loves Chloe. He always wants to sniff her and give her kisses.

One day, we noticed Chloe's left eye had some yellowish discharge. We researched and found out that it is most likely a blocked tearduct. We tried to massage it for couple of days but it didn't get any better. We finally tried an old trick that we found online. I don't know if anyone else has tried this, but placing a small drop of breastmilk apparently helps with this condition. We tried it just twice and it really worked. No more discharge!!!

Sometimes she fights to be swaddled. We will have her all swaddled up and then she will start squirming to get out of it. This is how she fell asleep. Too funny.

Oops, she scratched herself on the cheek. Those hands are going to be covered from now on.

Here is proud mom. I can't believe how much I love this little one.

Here is dad with all three kids. They all love to snuggle with their dad.

Her umbilical cord finally fell off on day 13, right before going in for her "newborn photos" and her 2 week check up. She did awesome during her photo session, she was wide awake and never even fussed at all. The photographer said she has been doing these type of photo shoots for over 20 years now and this is maybe only the 5th time she has had one go so well. We are going to review the pics this weekend and we'll share them with you soon. At her 2 week check up, Chloe weighed in at 8lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long. She is in the 95% for her weight, 75% for her height, and 50% for her head size.

Chloe got her 1st letter in the mail! It's her social security was so cute to get mail under her name.

She loves to use her hands as a pillow. This week might be the last week she can wear this onesie. She is growing so fast.

I hope you enjoyed this week's photos. Stay tuned for more next week.


Beat Emetaphobia said...

Both of my girls had blocked tear ducts and yes, breast milk helps (a trick our doula taught us). Chloe is growing up so fast and I love her smiles. Enjoy these times. In a blink she'll be sitting on your couch playing games on an iphone and blocking out anything you try to tell her (a glimpse of our moment with Gabby this morning!). Where does the time go? I love the weekly updates! Great job! I feel like I'm getting to know her ever week despite not having met her yet. Keep it up!

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

What a happy baby she is! Love the pictures....I can see alot of Phil in her! Can't wait to meet her! Let me know when a good time for me to fly out there and I'll book my tickets!

The Johnsons said...

Leslie, you are welcome to come out at anytime! Chloe can't wait to meet her Auntie Leslie!