Sunday, May 22, 2011

1st plane ride, trip to Florida, and 25 weeks old!

Bear with me, there are lots of photos in this post.

On Friday, May 13th, we got ready for Chloe's first plane ride. The flight was at 5:30pm, so we had to leave home no later than 3:30pm. If you remember Chloe's schedule, she takes two naps by 1pm and then her last nap somewhere around 3pm. Her first two naps before we left home were both good ones, and we just needed her to take a good powernap in the car on the way to the airport.

Here we are heading to the airport. Chloe is very awake and happy.

If all would have gone according to our plans, Chloe would have fell asleep as soon as we got on the road, however she fell asleep just 5 minutes away from the airport. Shoot, not the way we wanted to start this trip.

We are on the monorail to our gate. Chloe is a little groggy, but doing okay.

We are now just waiting for boarding. We bought this umbrella stroller just for this trip. It's already proving to be very handy.

It's almost time to board. Chloe is ready to show her boarding pass.

We fed Chloe during take off and she fell asleep very easily soon afterwards. What a good girl!!!

She did wonderfully on that plane ride. She woke up about 45 min into the first nap and then she fell asleep again about 45 minutes before we landed. She fussed a little, but did not cry at all. Now, she is in the arms of Halmunee and Halahbujee.

Just as predicted, she woke up right at 6am Denver time the next day morning. She woke up very happy and ready to play.

After her morning nap, we went over to Chloe's great grandparents house for a visit. I think Chloe is so lucky to have great grandparents.

She didn't show any signs of stranger anxiety at all. She automatically became the favorite great granddaughter, since there is only one. :)

Chloe got to sport many of her unworn summer clothes in Florida.

At dinner time, she got to see her great grandparents again and meet my aunt and uncle too.

My aunt fell in love with Chloe instantly. And, Chloe loved being with my aunt.

Uncle Gerry however was a different story. Sorry uncle Gerry, don't take it personally...

At dinner time, Phil and I were in heaven! My dad prepared this fresh sashimi dinner. Apparently, one of the three fish on this plate (white one with red stripes) was swimming in the ocean in the morning.

Now its almost Chloe's bedtime and she is winding down with halmunee and Violet.

Halahbujee is giving Chloe her last meal of the day.

Chloe woke up the next day happy as always. She has been staying right on her schedule according to Denver time. It's been really great.

Learning a few things from halmunee and halahbujee.

Just kicking it with daddy just as they do at home.

Three days went by so fast, and now its already time to go back home. We are headed to the airport again.
This time I caught it on camera, Chloe's new thing, putting her feet in her mouth.

She fell asleep in the baby bjorn right before boarding and stayed asleep when we got seated. Before take off, one of the flight attendants made us get her out of the baby bjorn. We didn't understand the reason for this. Of course, she woke up and we were not very happy with the flight attendant.

Again, she did really well on the plane ride back home. Just a few fusses, but no crying at all.
Now, she is back at home playing with her toys. We really miss having our family around!

24 weeks

Not much has changed since last week for Chloe.
The only thing new is that Chloe has started to say "ma ma ma". Phil is trying to teach her to say "da da da", but no luck on that yet. She still loves to scream out "ah" through out the day, now intermixed with "ma"s here and there.
Otherwise, Chloe is still a very happy baby who loves to put everything in her mouth.

Chloe is practicing for the day when she can munch on ribs and corn on the cob.

Chloe is constantly playing with her feet. She loves to put her big toe in her mouth and we are constantly taking it out of her mouth.

She does cry and big tears come out of both her makes us feel really bad for her. She doesn't cry that often, but when she does, she really looks sad.

She no longer wanted to stay in her swing while we work out, so the new set up is this playpen next to our treadmill. She plays really well in it, but sometimes she will flop backwards or forward.

Here is the happy Chloe waiting for some solid food. Her favorite right now is sweet potatoes and her least favorite one is bananas.

Here is Chloe helping me with her laundry. Well, it was hard to carry her and carry the laundry basket at the same time, so I put her inside the basket. Who knew that she would like this?

This is the night before we fly out to Florida. Both Chloe and daddy were in their matching Gator outfits.
We are hoping for a safe and easy trip to Florida!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

23 weeks old

This week, we successfully started feeding solids to Chloe. So far, Chloe has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, pear and sweet potatoes. It is so cute when she opens her mouth for the food. Right now, Chloe gets two feedings of breastmilk, two feedings of formula, and one feeding of solids. We broke out the highchair to see if she can sit in it, and we couldn't be any happier. She loves to sit in it, even if we are not feeding her anything, she will just sit in it and watch us do our things around the kitchen.

Chloe has also started to say "ah" constantly. She will say it at least 100 times a day.

We signed up to run in a short 5K race called the Cherry Creak Sneak on the first Sunday of May. The weather has been awesome, however, the morning of the race it was in the 30s. We bundled Chloe up and ran it with her in the stroller. She did awesome!

We broke out this inflatable duck tub to get Chloe used to bathing in it, so that we can take it with us to Florida. She didn't love it. She cried soon after being in it, so we had to switch her into her old tub in the middle of her bath. We'll try it again soon...

Here is Chloe strapped into her high chair and eating her oatmeal. She's growing up so fast.

We love this happy baby! Her favorite thing to do these days is tapping on stuff. In this photo, her right hand was tapping the arm rest on the chair.

Here is Chloe just hanging out in her high chair. As long as she has something to chomp on, she's happy.

We finally successfully captured Chloe laughing on video. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

22 weeks and 5 months old

Chloe turned 5 months old.

She seems to have all the tell-tale signs of being ready for solids, like having really good head control, sitting on her own, and watching us eat with very interested eyes. We've tried giving her a very runny rice cereal, but so far it hasn't been very successful. The first time, she flat out got really fussy and ended up crying. But, the second time, she took two spoonfuls before getting fussy.

Chloe is now very aware of what's happening around her. She starts crying if we leave her in a room by herself, even if it is just stepping into the kitchen where she can still see us. Is this a normal developmental milestone or is Chloe really spoiled???

She really loves Gator and Ali. She loves to watch them run around the house and she loves to watch them eat their meals.

In two weeks, Chloe will be taking her first airplane trip to Florida. We keep hearing that as long as we feed her at take off and landing, she should be fine. If there is any other advice for us, please send it our way.

Here are some photos from this week.

Sitting by herself at 5 months old. She is a big girl now.

She has so much fun playing in the crib, but still does not want to sleep in it. She cries very sadly if we put her to sleep in her crib.

So, still this is how she sleeps. I am starting to believe that this might be her bed, and her crib might be saved for her future sibling.

We have substituted this lamb stuffed animal (named "Hugsie") for her swaddling blanket and she loves to pet it while falling asleep.

Where is Chloe??? There she is on our bed. Thankfully she doesn't sleep here, just hanging out here for a picture.
Stay tuned for next week's photos!!!