Sunday, May 8, 2011

23 weeks old

This week, we successfully started feeding solids to Chloe. So far, Chloe has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, pear and sweet potatoes. It is so cute when she opens her mouth for the food. Right now, Chloe gets two feedings of breastmilk, two feedings of formula, and one feeding of solids. We broke out the highchair to see if she can sit in it, and we couldn't be any happier. She loves to sit in it, even if we are not feeding her anything, she will just sit in it and watch us do our things around the kitchen.

Chloe has also started to say "ah" constantly. She will say it at least 100 times a day.

We signed up to run in a short 5K race called the Cherry Creak Sneak on the first Sunday of May. The weather has been awesome, however, the morning of the race it was in the 30s. We bundled Chloe up and ran it with her in the stroller. She did awesome!

We broke out this inflatable duck tub to get Chloe used to bathing in it, so that we can take it with us to Florida. She didn't love it. She cried soon after being in it, so we had to switch her into her old tub in the middle of her bath. We'll try it again soon...

Here is Chloe strapped into her high chair and eating her oatmeal. She's growing up so fast.

We love this happy baby! Her favorite thing to do these days is tapping on stuff. In this photo, her right hand was tapping the arm rest on the chair.

Here is Chloe just hanging out in her high chair. As long as she has something to chomp on, she's happy.

We finally successfully captured Chloe laughing on video. Enjoy!

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