Tuesday, May 3, 2011

22 weeks and 5 months old

Chloe turned 5 months old.

She seems to have all the tell-tale signs of being ready for solids, like having really good head control, sitting on her own, and watching us eat with very interested eyes. We've tried giving her a very runny rice cereal, but so far it hasn't been very successful. The first time, she flat out got really fussy and ended up crying. But, the second time, she took two spoonfuls before getting fussy.

Chloe is now very aware of what's happening around her. She starts crying if we leave her in a room by herself, even if it is just stepping into the kitchen where she can still see us. Is this a normal developmental milestone or is Chloe really spoiled???

She really loves Gator and Ali. She loves to watch them run around the house and she loves to watch them eat their meals.

In two weeks, Chloe will be taking her first airplane trip to Florida. We keep hearing that as long as we feed her at take off and landing, she should be fine. If there is any other advice for us, please send it our way.

Here are some photos from this week.

Sitting by herself at 5 months old. She is a big girl now.

She has so much fun playing in the crib, but still does not want to sleep in it. She cries very sadly if we put her to sleep in her crib.

So, still this is how she sleeps. I am starting to believe that this might be her bed, and her crib might be saved for her future sibling.

We have substituted this lamb stuffed animal (named "Hugsie") for her swaddling blanket and she loves to pet it while falling asleep.

Where is Chloe??? There she is on our bed. Thankfully she doesn't sleep here, just hanging out here for a picture.
Stay tuned for next week's photos!!!


Beat Emetaphobia said...

Wow, she really looked like you, Maria, in her 5 month old photo! I really thought in the beginning she favored her Daddy, but that photo makes me think otherwise! First off, no, you aren't spoiling her. It's normal for her to not want to be left alone. David does the same thing. They are just more aware of their surroundings. It's a good thing. I can see why she doesn't want to sleep in her crib. It looks like a fun place to hang out. Maybe if you took all the distractions out, she may think of her crib as a place to sleep and not a place to play. But, if the guest bed works, then so be it. Just be careful because she could move and fall off. I know David has already moved enough to fall if he had no rails! Good luck on your first flight. My advice at this age is to take extra clothing on the plane with you. Ask Leslie about Gabby's diaper blowout during our trip to Vancouver. Not a pretty sight and that wasn't the first time that happened in a very inopportune time! Have fun and keep the pictures coming! It's so fun watching that precious little girl grow!

The Johnsons said...

Thanks Susie!
I feel so much better to know that Chloe isn't the only one behaving the way she does. Yes, her crib has become her playtime central. We hope we can transition her into it soon. Thanks for your advice. We'll take extra clothes with us on the plane.