Monday, April 25, 2011

21 Weeks old!

What's new this week?

The big news is that we broke Chloe out of her swaddle! After so many nights of us going into her room to re-swaddle her, we have decided that it is time to move her out of being swaddled. We thought it was going to be a big "crying it out" session, but she fell asleep with no problems. We are still going into her room at night to put her paci back in her mouth, but otherwise she sleeps really well for about 11 hours at night. We are going to wait a little longer before we start weaning her off of her paci. She doesn't use it or need it at any other time except for going to sleep. We also weaned her off of her late night feedings. She now takes a 6oz bottle at 6pm and not another feeding until 6am the next day.

She's also mastered her sitting now, and plays really well sitting on her own. She hasn't rolled over since that one time way back when she was only 12 weeks old. Maybe, she will move on to crawling before rolling over...

She definitely has stranger anxiety. I guess she's had this for almost a month now, but we didn't want to believe it. Chloe has about a foot wide diameter of a personal space, and she does not want any strangers invading that space right now. It takes her a few hours to warm up to a stranger.

Chloe must have grown an inch or so. Her feet are now touching the ground!

This is Chloe really concentrating on whatever she is doing or she might be working on a surprise in her diaper.

Chloe loves to play sitting down now that she can.

Playing in her playpen.

I'm not sure why Chloe is sad. She was smiling just a second ago...

This is how Chloe sleeps now that she is not swaddled. As you can see, she is still occupying the guest bed.

Here is a short clip of Chloe playing with her daddy. We're not sure if she is laughing or crying...

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Sitting up before rolling over?!? Wow, what an accomplishment! Maybe she will crawl before doing somersaults! She's such a cutie. I'm so glad you are keeping up with the blog. Me on the other hand....a little tougher to do with 3 to take care of. Hard for type A Susie to get a handle on and accept but oh well. Love the photos!