Friday, April 1, 2011

18 Weeks old!

This week, Chloe attended another party. It was our friend, Hanh's baby shower. Chloe must be a party girl in nature, because she does really well in big crowds and loves to watch people. That's until she starts to get tired, and then everything goes downhill. We were able to stay for a couple of hours and even play some games.

One big development this week is that we felt a little bump starting on her lower front edentulous ridge where her first tooth is suppose to come out. We thought she was teething with lots of drooling and chewing on her hand, and now we have a proof! We got her a teether ring and she loves to chew on it.

We are very excited for the start of the baseball season. We share season tickets to the Rockies with a bunch of people and we are excited to take Chloe to her first baseball game on Sunday of opening weekend!

Here are some pictures from this week.

Here is Chloe at the baby shower. She got all dolled up for the event.

This shower was a Co-ed shower and only the boys were able to play this diaper game. There were five diapers with five different melted chocolate candies in it. You were supposed to guess which chocolate candy is in each diaper. It took Phil less than a minute to guess all five and he won! It does pay off to know your sweets, I guess. He got 4 out of the 5 right, but he says technically he had all 5 right. He put down a crunch bar instead of the Hershey's krackle. According to Phil (self proclaimed candy expert) there are no differences. For the prize, he won $15 to McDonald's, which he was very happy with.

The next day Chloe had another party to attend. It was our friend's son, Carter's 1 year birthday party. However, Chloe was too tired from the baby shower, so we decided to not get her off of her schedule again and let her take her normal naps. I had promised to make a monkey shaped cake for his party, so I attended the party on behalf of the Johnson family. The cake turned out better than I thought, but it sort of looks more like a bear than a monkey to me.

Here is Chloe with her teether ring. It is so cute to see her holding it with both hands and munching on it as if it was something really yummy.

Chloe's favorite place to play is this new toy. She loves to pound on the keyboard.

She makes all sorts of noises while playing with it. Phil was able to catch her laughing and smiling on the camera.

Chloe got her first Easter Basket from one of the Orthodontist we refer patients to. Of course, she was very excited to see us come home from work, but she was also excited to see this colorful present.
Next week, we'll post more exciting photos including Chloe's first baseball game photos!!!

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