Sunday, March 27, 2011

17 weeks and 4 months old

This week, Chloe turned 4 months old and with that Chloe had another doctor's visit. As always, the verdict is that Chloe is a healthy and a chunky baby. She weighed in at 14lbs 10oz (75%), length at 24.75 inches (75%), and head size at 40.5cm (50%). We are so happy and thankful to know that Chloe is a healthy baby.

Chloe has been very voiceful lately. Most of the times, she squeals like a pig. It is very funny. But, there will be times where she will make noises and move her mouth in a way that it does look like she is really trying to talk to us.

We've now had the same nanny for Chloe for over a month and it's been working out really well. It seems that both Chloe and the nanny have really bonded. My favorite part of having a nanny (besides the fact that Chloe gets one on one attention) is that our nanny sends me Chloe's updates via text messages constantly. She texts us when Chloe goes down for a nap, when they ,are playing and reading, eating her food, and also will send us pictures of Chloe. Even though Chloe can't tell us with words how her day was with the nanny, her happy, smiling face tells us that she's been well taken cared of. It is the total opposite of when we used to pick her up from daycare, when Chloe used to scream and cry the whole way home.

Here are some pictures from this week.
Chloe is still diligently doing her tummy time to strengthen those neck muscles.

More tummy time. Whenever she spots the camera, she will stare right at it.

Recently, she loves to twist her body and look behind her head.

I made a big mistake of not taking my camera with me to her 4 month check up, so I only have this photo of her totally tired out in her car seat once we got home.

Happy 4 month old Chloe! Look how big she has gotten!

She loves to stand on her feet.

Trying a different hairpin just for fun!

Chloe says "Thank you" for visiting our blog!!!

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