Sunday, March 20, 2011

16 weeks

At 16 weeks, Chloe seems so much more alert with her surroundings. When she grabs or touches things, she really means to touch them or grab them. She started to pet some of her stuffed toys too. We've got her to laugh as well, but could not catch it on video to share with everyone.

Chloe has also slept through the night (11hours) for two nights this week. We thought we were all set, but she again started to wake up around 4am for a feeding. We'll patiently wait for her to sleep 12 hours straight without any wakings.

Mom was also happy this week, because some new bows and headbands came in the mail. Dad acts like he is not on board with the headbands, but mom knows that he secretly likes putting these on Chloe. :)

Mmm, my fingers are so yummy mommy! I've been constantly taking her hands out of her mouth, but she might end up winning this battle afterall...

Have you seen her chubby feetsies yet? Aren't they the cutest?

Hi there Chloe! Did I catch you playing with your doll, Susan? Our neighbor, Susan, bought her this doll, so we named it after her. :) Doesn't Chloe's expression look like she has been up to no good?

Something really exciting must be going on behind Chloe for her to twist her torso to see what's going on.

It turns out Chloe likes to watch TV just like her dad. I would strategically place her so that she can't watch it, but now she seems to be figuring out a way to watch TV.

She still sits in the bumbo chair pretty well, but she doesn't last too long in it. Her favorite place is still the bouncey seat.

What are you doing with daddy's hat? Well, Chloe is getting ready to cheer really hard for the Gators during March Madness. We will be happy if the Gators make it to at least sweet 16!!
To celebrate Chloe turning 4 months old, we bought her a new toy. Here is the video of her playing in it for the first time. You can also see how our living room has turned into Chloe's playground. How our life has changed...


Beat Emetaphobia said...

Ok, so I just typed out a really long comment and got rejected probably for that reason! Anyway, to be short (regretfully) I enjoyed the photos of the last 2 blog entries. I can't wait to see the photos from the 3 month photo session. I'm glad you found a formula that works. I'm sure we'll be facing that dilemma soon as our David loves to eat! Yay for 11 hours of straight sleep. We're not even close (goes to show sleep training really works). We're playing the swaddle battle, too, since David doesn't sleep well with flailing arms. Like most transitions, there will be a few bumps in the road but like you, I'm going to swaddle as long as I can. Eventually they'll be old enough where their arms are a little more under control! When she starts flipping good from front to back is when you'll have to give up the swaddle. Happy 100th birthday. It is such a blessing to have a healthy baby. The cupcakes looked so good, I wanted to grab one through my computer screen! Way to go on the workout routine. I can't seem to drum up the energy to do that but it doesn't surprise me that you wasted no time...not that you really need it. You don't even look like you just had a baby! We hope to see you guys soon. Love ya!

Team Koagel

The Johnsons said...

Oh man, I wish I could somehow read your rejected LONG comment!!! Chloe is now consistently doing the 11 hours of sleep, but we sneak in one feeding before we go to sleep. So, she usually does 8pm to 7am with one sleep eating session at 11pm or so. It's been working out. We tried to skip the extra feeding but she would wake up around 3am wanting to be fed. I still have 10 pounds to lose from the 50 pounds that I gained. Working on it, but it's really hard. We hope to see you guys soon too!!