Monday, March 14, 2011

15 weeks old

Chloe is now 15 weeks old.

Last week, she was just drinking 5oz of breastmilk two or three feedings, but this week she has moved onto drinking 5oz every feeding. We tried to give her just 4oz, but she cried for more once the empty bottle sound came. Now this has led to my milk supply issue. I am having a difficult time keeping up with her needs. We tried to give her a bottle of formula, but it seems that she can tell the difference in taste. She will suck for couple of times, and then push out everything that is in her mouth. I pretty much force fed her about 2 to 3 oz of formula and then within about an hour, she spat up almost all of it. It almost seemed to me like a mild vomit. We tried the powder ones, premixed ones, and then we tried the soy based one. Finally, we found the one she likes, which is Enfamil Prosobee for sensitive tummy. She downs it just like she does my breast milk and no spit ups afterwards. Phew!

The other big development this week is her swaddling issue. She's been sleeping really well with her arms swaddled. But recently she has gotten strong enough to break free of the swaddle in the middle of the night. I wish I had a picture to share with you, it is a pretty funny sight. I tried to see if she can fall asleep without swaddling, but her arms are flailing about too much for her to fall asleep. For now, we are going to continue to swaddle her tighter and tighter. If anybody has any advice on how to transition from swaddle to unswaddle, we are all ears!!

Here are some pictures from this week.
Here is Chloe doing some tummy time on the recliner.

Here is Chloe about to go down for a nap. Yes, she is still sleeping on our guest bed. Well, she thinks it is her bed....

Here she is getting dried off after her bath. Look at all those rolls. Is she is chunky baby or what?

She has really mastered batting at objects. Sometimes, it still seems like she is hitting them on accident rather than on purpose.

What? No!!!! Chloe has found her thumb. We'll have to see who wins this battle...

Chloe likes to play in her crib, just not sleep in it. Well, I think she might sleep in it, but we keep putting her on the guest bed. (Maybe because we like to lay next to her???)

Let's peek in to see what Chloe is looking at.

Here is my attempt to put her down without swaddling in her crib. She thought it was very funny of me to try this and kept smiling at me.
Phil and I are having so much fun with this little baby even though we are clueless at times with new developments that come about. We are thankful for such a beautiful, healthy baby everyday!!!

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