Saturday, March 5, 2011

13 weeks old

Chloe is now 13 weeks old and turned 3 months old on the 25th.
Her daily schedule is becoming more predictable these days. She usually wakes up around 7am and rarely will wake up in a bad mood. She still eats every 3 hours during the day with her last feeding at around 7-8pm. She sleeps a good 6 to 7 hours without another feeding, which has been really nice for us.

She is so much fun to be around. She loves to play with different toys. Aggie gave us this toy that Paul and Joshua used to play with. Chloe loves to watch all the lights that light up and listen to the music that plays.

She really fits well into her 3-6 month clothes. Here is Chloe just chilling on the sofa.

Chloe loves to watch us run on the treadmill. Here, she is just swinging away in her swing watching her mommy try to lose the baby weight.

Here is the pic of Chloe at 3 months old. She has good control of her head now and is very curious of everything around her.

One of our friends gave us a bumbo chair to try out. We weren't sure if Chloe was old enough to sit in it, but come to find out chloe loves it! She likes to sit there and play with the soft middle part of the chair.
Next week, Chloe turns 100days old. It's called "Baek-il" in Korean and it is a big milestone celebration in Korea traditionally. Stay tuned for more photos!!

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