Saturday, April 16, 2011

20 weeks old

Wow, time truly flies by quickly. Our little Chloe is growing up so fast.

There hasn't been much change to her schedule except that she's been wanting more than 5oz of breastmilk. We are slowly trying to increase her amount to 6oz, which means she will be getting two feedings of formula. If this trend continues, I think Chloe will be 100% on formula by her 6 month birthday.

Developmentally, she has now learned to sit on her own. We still have to spot her since she will still flop to the sides and backwards, but for the most part she sits really well on her own. When laying on her back, she loves to play with her feet and tug on her socks.

She is still being swaddled to go to sleep. We've tried the sleepsack, but after 30 minutes of her not being able to settle down, we end up swaddling her, and she falls right to sleep. It doesn't look like we'll be breaking the swaddling for awhile.

Chloe is such a sweet, happy baby, that we can get her to smile all the time. Laughing on the other hand, she is very stingy. We are constantly looking for ways to make her laugh. Her favorite right now is when we are going up the stairs. Phil carries her over his shoulder, and I pop up behind them on the way up and she will giggle.

Here are some pictures from this week.

This has become Chloe's signature facial expression.

Here is happy Chloe. We love seeing this smile. Chloe sends a big thank you to Gabby and Fia for these cute overalls.

Chloe tried to stay awake for daddy to come home from work, but ended up falling asleep.

But, in the transition from the baby bjorn to her bed, she woke up. So, we opened up the Easter present from G-pa and G-ma.
We also finally got Chloe's 3 month photos. There were so many to choose from, but we narrowed it down to these three.
As always, thanks for visiting our blog!

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Hi Johnson family! It's been a long time since I've had time to leave a comment, but don't be fooled. We try to tune in as often as possible. It's so cool to see that sweet Chloe is getting some good use out of the outfits. I'm sure it's time for us to go through the 6 month stuff, but when will it be time for her to use the cute summery stuff we have? I love her signature facial expression. That wouldn't have anything to do with the Tobasco sauce I see in the background is it?? She's growing up so fast. I can't wait for her and David to meet and become friends. You guys are doing such a great job! Hugs and kisses!
