Tuesday, April 12, 2011

19 weeks old!

Now that Chloe is 19 weeks old, her schedule is becoming more and more predictable.

Her schedule kind of looks like this:

6:00 am Wake up and drinks 5oz breastmilk
7:30 to 9am nap
10 am drinks 5oz breastmilk
11am to 12:30 nap
2pm drinks 5oz breastmilk
3pm to 4pm power nap
6pm drinks 5oz breastmilk
7pm down for the night
10pm late night feeding of 6oz formula

We are still sneaking in the late night feeding around 10 or 11pm before we go to bed. Chloe usually doesn't even open her eyes, and just sleep eats and goes right back to bed.
I could be totally over thinking this, but I think Chloe doesn't get enough milk in the 24hr period if we don't give her the late night feeding.

The weather has been very unpredictable lately. It would be really nice and warm one day and then it would snow the very next day. Kind of crazy...

Chloe hanging out with daddy outside on one of the nicer days.

Chloe likes to accompany us to restaurants. She does really well for awhile, and then lets us know that it's time for us to go before we can decide on desserts.

This is her new thing that she does these days. Whenever we are holding her and drink something at the same time, she wants to touch the cup.

It is Chloe's 1st Rockies game day. She woke up really happy.

She loves to look at the camera. What are you doing down there, Chloe?

Chloe took a really good nap and was all ready to go the game, but it started to snow and the game got cancelled. Chloe is still in a good mood though.

Thanks to Susie, we had this nice and warm snowsuit that would have kept Chloe warm during the game.

Phil puts Chloe in the Baby Bjorn when he vacuums the house. Chloe starts kicking her legs when the vacuum turns on and she loves to be part of the cleaning fun.

We still have not successfully captured her laugh in a video, but hopefully soon we can share that with you all. Thanks for visiting!!!

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