Thursday, August 25, 2011

39 weeks old!

Chloe always has been an early riser. If we get to sleep past 6:30am these days, then we are sleeping in! But, this week, Chloe has been sleeping until 8am and sometimes we'll even wake her up because she's sleeping past 8. She also has been taking much longer naps during the day. She must be growing.

At her 9 month check up, Chloe weighed in at 19lb 3oz (60%), length at 27.5in (50%), and had a head circumference of 44cm (50%). There were no vaccinations at this visit, just a little prick on her big toe to check her hemoglobin levels.

Chloe loves to smile, giggle, and touch people's faces. She is such a happy baby. She does like to scream a lot though, especially towards the late afternoon/night time as her way of communicating, which hurts our ears.

Chloe has now realized that the camera has bright flashes and so she closes her eyes like this as soon as she spots the camera. She just started to do it this week.

Here is a video clip from the Rockies game. You can see that she keeps closing her eyes in anticipation of the flash from the camera.

There is the smile that mommy was looking for...

Here she goes again with the closing of her eyes.

Chloe usually just stands and plays around this excer-saucer, but this week, she actually started to walk around it using the chair on wheels as a walker.

It was very hard to get her to even look at the camera for her nine month old picture. The flash must be really bright to her. She is so silly.

Happy 9 months, Chloe!!

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

It's absolutely impossible to take photos of David in his shirt and froggy chair these days. The boy just can't sit still. It will be fun to see the 2 take over the playroom and floors! I wonder how David will feel that his soon to be "girl friend" is bigger than he is. David just had his 9 month well baby and was a pound lighter (but it could be because of his new diarrhea issue)!