Saturday, September 10, 2011

40 weeks Old!

Chloe is walking along furniture really well and crawling has become something of a second nature to her.
She is still taking two naps per day and sleeps about 11 hours at night. She drinks three, 8oz, bottles of formula in a day with some solids here and there.

Here is Chloe playing. We got this old toy from Phil's co-workers. Apparently that dentist's son who is 25 yo once played with this toy.

Chloe loves to stand by the sliding glass door and wait for the dogs to do their business. She loves to watch them as long as there are barriers. She is hesitant to play with them when they are freely out and about, but when they are both in their kennel, she loves to go over there and play.

She loves to roam around the entire house. Here, she is playing with the keyboard a little bit before she is off to find something else to play with.

Here is Chloe crawling over to say hi to the dogs.

Thank you for watching Chloe grow with us!!

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