Saturday, September 10, 2011

41 weeks Old

Chloe is now 41 weeks old. She definitely looks more like a little toddler than a little baby now.
Over Labor day weekend, we went to visit our families in SLC.
Our first stop was Aggie's house. As soon as we entered the play area in the basement, right away Chloe headed straight over to the toy section.

As you can see, Chloe is oblivious to the rest of us in the room and is busy playing with these new toys which actually will soon be hers.

Chloe is so happy to see all of these new toys.

Aggie was so happy to meet Chloe. She finally got to hold a little baby girl. Chloe also really enjoyed all the attention.

We left Aggie's house and went to Phil's parents' house. There, Chloe got to meet her other cousins, and of course had more toys to play with.

Chloe is not the youngest in the Johnson family. Sadie is the youngest of all babies.

Chloe got to play with all the toys in the toyroom all by herself the next day. Look at how happy Chloe is!

Once we arrived back home to CO, Chloe was not too happy about unpacking.

As soon as we got back from SLC, Chloe started to get up from a sitting position into a standing position without holding onto anything. Wow...

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