Saturday, February 19, 2011

Special post: Chloe's 1st roll over video

Today, Chloe is 12 weeks and 2 days old. This morning during her "tummy time", Chloe rolled over for the 1st time. We hurried and got our camera to catch it on video and she rolled over again for the camera!
Here is the clip.

Friday, February 18, 2011

12 weeks old!

Wow, our baby is already 12 weeks old.

This Sunday, Chloe said "good bye" to G-pa and G-ma as they headed back home to Salt Lake City.
Chloe also said "good bye" to her daycare this week as we pulled her out of it for her to stay home with a nanny. We have realized that the childcare issue is so hard. I went back and forth with this issue because I wanted Chloe to have the one-on-one attention from a nanny, however I also thought it would be nice for Chloe to interact with other children at daycare. But, seeing Chloe sleeping in a swing basically everytime we went to pick her up from the daycare, or seeing her laying down on a playmat crying, with nobody available to attend to her because all the caregivers are busy with other children, really solidified our decision.

I came home from work to find out that daddy had put a little bow on Chloe's head. It kind of looks silly but at the same time kinda cute, right?

Sporting a BYU hat she got from G-pa and G-ma. "I look so cute in pink!"

"Are we going for a stroller walk daddy? I love walks around the neighborhood." G-pa and dad took Chloe out for a walk while G-ma and I were off to get pedicures.

"G-pa, push faster, faster!!"

"Good bye G-pa and G-ma until we meet again next time."

"What do you think about these new shades I got today? Do I look pretty cool?"

This is one of her play stations where she spends her "wake time". She is really getting starting to grab and bat at these toys.

"Happy Valentine's day everyone!" Chloe's legs are getting stronger everyday. She now stands pretty well.

Chloe talking with daddy.

We had a request from a regular guest of our blog to post some pictures of Chloe's nursery. So, here are the photos.
Here is her crib where she usually lays and stares at the mobile, but as of late she has started to take her naps in it.

After a nap, we head to her feeding station and she pounds about 4oz of delicious breastmilk. This chair is super comfy and it was half the price of the gliders we looked at in the baby stores.

After Chloe's feeding time, we head over to the diaper change station. We had originally bought the drawer/chest you see in the above photo as a changing table as well, but we found it easier to just do it on the floor. We lay down the absorbent liner on top of the changing pad, just in case we have an accident while the diaper is off. It has worked out great! Once Chloe is cleaned off and into a new diaper, she begins her 1 to 1 1/2 hour of wake time. The mat just next to the changing pad is her "tummy time" station. She spends a good 10-15 minutes of rolling back and forth from her back to her tummy. And then, she heads off to the next station where she lays on her back and plays with the toys above and kicks the ball at her feet.

We then may head back to the corner to pick out a book to read or go back into the crib to look at the mobile.

The chest is now serving as where we place clean bottles, lotion, and a white board to write messages on, etc. The butterfly mobile was placed there so that Chloe could watch it while we were changing her diaper, but now we just hold her in front of it for her to watch.

Let's take a peek in the crib to see how Chloe is doing with her "nap time".

That ends the tour of Chloe's nursery. As always, thanks for visiting our blog.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

11 weeks old!

This week, Chloe met her G-pa and G-ma Johnson for the 1st time.

We were glad that they came out now rather than during Thanksgiving week as originally planned, because Chloe is so much more interactive now.

This was also the week that Chloe moved onto her 3-6 month clothes. They are still very roomy, but 0-3 month clothes were getting way too tight for her.

Chloe was flowered with gifts from G-pa and G-ma. But, the best gift of all was all the love, hugs and kisses she got from them while they were here. It seemed like G-pa's mission was to spoil little Chloe as much as possible. :)

Here is Chloe getting some quality wake time with G-pa. She is talking up a storm these days. It is so cute to see. I tried to capture it on video, but she stops talking immediately when she spots the camera on her. It is so funny.

Chloe found the camera on her again. I think she just loves to pose for the camera.

Caught her talking!

Feb 6th was a big day for Chloe. It was her first Party! It was a super bowl party. She got all fancied up in her little white dress, white little boots, and a beautiful headband. The flower looks huge in the photo, but it really was super cute and everyone wanted to know where I got it from.

She did awesome at the party. There were at least 50 people there, but despite all the loud chatting and screaming, Chloe even managed to take a little nap. For some reason, we didn't get any pictures of her at the party except when we took her into a bathroom to change her diaper. Here she is on her portable changing pad for the first time!

Chloe is doing really well standing these days. She has a strong set of legs thanks to her mommy and daddy. :)

Here she is hanging out with G-ma.

G-pa and G-ma made this beautiful dessert dish. It is almost too pretty to cut into and eat it (but we did anyway).

We didn't slack off on tummy time and the payoff has been huge! As you can see Chloe holds her head up really well. She will just hangout in this position, moving her head from side to side.

Here is a big happy smile from Chloe. She is such a happy baby.

However, she does also have her sad moments. Most of the time, we don't know why she is sad though.

Chloe also started to grab at her toys when given to her. She will hold on to them and wave em about, or bring them to her mouth.

Thank you so much for observing Chloe's development with us. She has been such a joy to both Phil and I. We can't seem to get enough of this little one!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

10 weeks old!

In our opinion, Chloe has always been a very alert baby. But at 10 weeks old, Chloe is more alert than she has ever been!

She focuses on things for longer periods of time and is really noticing things around her.

She has also started to grab things for very short periods of time.

All of a sudden, Chloe started to notice this butterfly mobile in her room. She will stare at it and watch it move in amazement.

She still makes silly faces sometimes. She loves to make her mouth in this "O" shape.

Another development this week is that she will stand for a few seconds on her feet. We just need to give her a little support, and she will put all her weight on her legs.

We went out to dinner with some friends and their 2 year old boy gave Chloe this candy. She held it so tight in her fist.

We still have our daily "tummy times". Her neck muscles are getting really strong.

Our neighbor has a 4 month old girl named, Blake, and she has given Chloe some of these flower hair pins. We weren't sure if we would like them, but we think they look absolutely darling on Chloe.

Chloe loves to play in her crib. She has lots of animal friends to play with in there. :)

Chloe seems to be growing and changing every day. We don't want to miss any little things and we try our best to capture every special moments in our camera. Thanks for sharing Chloe's development with us. We leave you with this short video clip of Chloe's "tummy time".

Sorry. I tried for a week to try to upload this cutest little video clip, but continuted to fail at it. I will keep on trying...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2 Month old/9 weeks

Our little Chloe is now 2 months old.
She is becoming sweeter and sweeter everyday.

Chloe thinks this guest bed is her bed. She sleeps so well here that we don't really want to move her to her crib. Right now she seems to think her crib is a place to play.

She sleeps so peacefully. These days, she naps for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours consistently. Such a sweet girl.

This is what she does in her crib. She stares at her mobile for about 20 minutes and then cries when she gets tired of watching it. Maybe if we removed the mobile, she will sleep in her crib???

Before retiring this Minnie mouse outfit, we had to take a quick picture of Chloe in it. It is a super cute outfit, but unfortunately the wrong season.

These days, we can almost always get Chloe to smile. Just say "hi, Chloe" in a high pitched tone, then you will get this sweet little smile from her.

Another new outfit! Thank you Auntie Leslie!

It's tummy time for Chloe. Her neck muscles are getting really strong.

Chloe now really enjoys her bath times.

"Hello, daddy! I like it better in the water."

Yeah, Chloe is 2 months old. Wow, she has grown big time!

She is really starting to salivate a lot...we figured the bib might help with this issue!

Here, Chloe is getting ready for her 2 month Pediatric visit.

What started as a nice little ride turned into some really painful sticks in the leg! Ouchie!!!

Wow, that sure does take it out of a 2 month old....she slept the entire ride home.

Until next time as always thanks to those who stopped by!!!!!