Friday, February 18, 2011

12 weeks old!

Wow, our baby is already 12 weeks old.

This Sunday, Chloe said "good bye" to G-pa and G-ma as they headed back home to Salt Lake City.
Chloe also said "good bye" to her daycare this week as we pulled her out of it for her to stay home with a nanny. We have realized that the childcare issue is so hard. I went back and forth with this issue because I wanted Chloe to have the one-on-one attention from a nanny, however I also thought it would be nice for Chloe to interact with other children at daycare. But, seeing Chloe sleeping in a swing basically everytime we went to pick her up from the daycare, or seeing her laying down on a playmat crying, with nobody available to attend to her because all the caregivers are busy with other children, really solidified our decision.

I came home from work to find out that daddy had put a little bow on Chloe's head. It kind of looks silly but at the same time kinda cute, right?

Sporting a BYU hat she got from G-pa and G-ma. "I look so cute in pink!"

"Are we going for a stroller walk daddy? I love walks around the neighborhood." G-pa and dad took Chloe out for a walk while G-ma and I were off to get pedicures.

"G-pa, push faster, faster!!"

"Good bye G-pa and G-ma until we meet again next time."

"What do you think about these new shades I got today? Do I look pretty cool?"

This is one of her play stations where she spends her "wake time". She is really getting starting to grab and bat at these toys.

"Happy Valentine's day everyone!" Chloe's legs are getting stronger everyday. She now stands pretty well.

Chloe talking with daddy.

We had a request from a regular guest of our blog to post some pictures of Chloe's nursery. So, here are the photos.
Here is her crib where she usually lays and stares at the mobile, but as of late she has started to take her naps in it.

After a nap, we head to her feeding station and she pounds about 4oz of delicious breastmilk. This chair is super comfy and it was half the price of the gliders we looked at in the baby stores.

After Chloe's feeding time, we head over to the diaper change station. We had originally bought the drawer/chest you see in the above photo as a changing table as well, but we found it easier to just do it on the floor. We lay down the absorbent liner on top of the changing pad, just in case we have an accident while the diaper is off. It has worked out great! Once Chloe is cleaned off and into a new diaper, she begins her 1 to 1 1/2 hour of wake time. The mat just next to the changing pad is her "tummy time" station. She spends a good 10-15 minutes of rolling back and forth from her back to her tummy. And then, she heads off to the next station where she lays on her back and plays with the toys above and kicks the ball at her feet.

We then may head back to the corner to pick out a book to read or go back into the crib to look at the mobile.

The chest is now serving as where we place clean bottles, lotion, and a white board to write messages on, etc. The butterfly mobile was placed there so that Chloe could watch it while we were changing her diaper, but now we just hold her in front of it for her to watch.

Let's take a peek in the crib to see how Chloe is doing with her "nap time".

That ends the tour of Chloe's nursery. As always, thanks for visiting our blog.


Beat Emetaphobia said...

So you made the move from daycare to nanny?!? Well, I can't say I don't blame you. If your gutt said to take her out, then you can't ignore that feeling. Mother's know best. You'll have to let me know how the nanny thing works out. I hope she bonds with Chloe...but who can really resist her cuteness, right?

I like the pink PJs *wink*.

Thank you soooo much for the tour of the nursery. It was the next best thing to actually being there. It's so cute and I LOVE the stations and the very organized dresser. The dry erase board is SOOO Tony and me. Maybe it's a dentist thing...type A know! Chloe is such a lucky girl. She's getting so much attention and "coaching". It's funny how the first child gets so much one-on-one time and attention and then the subsequent kids just have to figure it out on their own! At least that's how it is for poor David. He just doesn't get as much one-on-one tummy time like your sweet Chloe. Lucky girl, I tell ya!

Diggin' the sunglasses. Odd seeing the photo of G-pa wearing a short sleeved shirt outside walking Chloe in the stroller with all the snow in the background. What's going on in Colorado???

The Johnsons said...

Yep, that's Colorado! One day it's snowing and freezing cold, and then the next day is sun shining and warm.
I'll let you know how the nanny thing works out.

Beat Emetaphobia said...

I'm eager to hear all about your nanny experience. I think it's great you and Phil get to stay home with her most days out of the week. I'm so sad I'll be back at work full time in 2 weeks. I'm going to miss having my little buddy with me at all times!