Wednesday, February 9, 2011

10 weeks old!

In our opinion, Chloe has always been a very alert baby. But at 10 weeks old, Chloe is more alert than she has ever been!

She focuses on things for longer periods of time and is really noticing things around her.

She has also started to grab things for very short periods of time.

All of a sudden, Chloe started to notice this butterfly mobile in her room. She will stare at it and watch it move in amazement.

She still makes silly faces sometimes. She loves to make her mouth in this "O" shape.

Another development this week is that she will stand for a few seconds on her feet. We just need to give her a little support, and she will put all her weight on her legs.

We went out to dinner with some friends and their 2 year old boy gave Chloe this candy. She held it so tight in her fist.

We still have our daily "tummy times". Her neck muscles are getting really strong.

Our neighbor has a 4 month old girl named, Blake, and she has given Chloe some of these flower hair pins. We weren't sure if we would like them, but we think they look absolutely darling on Chloe.

Chloe loves to play in her crib. She has lots of animal friends to play with in there. :)

Chloe seems to be growing and changing every day. We don't want to miss any little things and we try our best to capture every special moments in our camera. Thanks for sharing Chloe's development with us. We leave you with this short video clip of Chloe's "tummy time".

Sorry. I tried for a week to try to upload this cutest little video clip, but continuted to fail at it. I will keep on trying...


Beat Emetaphobia said...

What a beautiful butterfly mobile. I found myself staring at it, too! Chloe is growing up way too fast. Standing? Holding a lolipop with a death grip? Modeling fancy flower bows? I wouldn't be surprised if you announced in the next blog entry that she got her drivers permit!

I'll be patiently waiting, hoping, for that video to post. Technology can be good and bad. Love watching Chloe grow. Thanks for the blog. I'm one of your biggest fans!

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Can you post a photo of Chloe's nursery? I looked back at some old posts and realized you didn't post any. I'm in a nursery kind of mood but that's probably because we've been heavy into getting David's nursery finally created!

The Johnsons said...

Susie, I'll keep trying to post that video. I'm so frustrated with it. I'll definitely post some photos of the nursery. Chloe is growing so fast. I can't believe she will be three months old next Friday. Ahh....

Beat Emetaphobia said...

I think it's time to update your family photo on your main page now that you have some extra cuteness to show! Thanks for posting the nursery photos. LOVE it!