Thursday, February 3, 2011

2 Month old/9 weeks

Our little Chloe is now 2 months old.
She is becoming sweeter and sweeter everyday.

Chloe thinks this guest bed is her bed. She sleeps so well here that we don't really want to move her to her crib. Right now she seems to think her crib is a place to play.

She sleeps so peacefully. These days, she naps for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours consistently. Such a sweet girl.

This is what she does in her crib. She stares at her mobile for about 20 minutes and then cries when she gets tired of watching it. Maybe if we removed the mobile, she will sleep in her crib???

Before retiring this Minnie mouse outfit, we had to take a quick picture of Chloe in it. It is a super cute outfit, but unfortunately the wrong season.

These days, we can almost always get Chloe to smile. Just say "hi, Chloe" in a high pitched tone, then you will get this sweet little smile from her.

Another new outfit! Thank you Auntie Leslie!

It's tummy time for Chloe. Her neck muscles are getting really strong.

Chloe now really enjoys her bath times.

"Hello, daddy! I like it better in the water."

Yeah, Chloe is 2 months old. Wow, she has grown big time!

She is really starting to salivate a lot...we figured the bib might help with this issue!

Here, Chloe is getting ready for her 2 month Pediatric visit.

What started as a nice little ride turned into some really painful sticks in the leg! Ouchie!!!

Wow, that sure does take it out of a 2 month old....she slept the entire ride home.

Until next time as always thanks to those who stopped by!!!!!

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

I'm diggin the jeans outfit. Aunt Leslie sure knows a lot about fashion. How do you think we keep our girls dressed so cute all the time (ok, maybe not all the time but at least for most pictures!).