Friday, June 10, 2011

26 weeks and 6 months old

Chloe is now 26weeks old. We can't believe how fast the time has flown by.

Chloe is really turning into a small little person. She is trying to say something constantly. Right now, lots of "ma ma ma"s and "da da da"s. She is starting to put "ah" or "um" in front of them too. Her favorite thing to say is "ah da". Her voice is so soft and sweet, we can't get enough of these babbles. The screams that she does (she thinks is also a way of talking) we hope will end soon to make sure that she doesn't have deaf parents!

Here is Chloe just chilling on the recliner with her toys. She is such a happy baby.

Now that Chloe is sitting on her own, we have been slacking with her "tummy times". She hasn't shown any signs of crawling yet. Her belly never lifts off the floor, but her arms and legs move a lot.

Here is Chloe sleeping in her crib finally. This is a picture of the video monitor. We made her room pitch dark, so she had no idea where she was. This wasn't a really good sleep night for her though. She woke up frequently and mommy didn't get much sleep either.

Here is Chloe napping back on the guest bed. Phil found her sleeping with her paci stuck on her ear. We don't think we could get the paci to stick like this even if we tried. We don't know how this happened, but it was funny.

Chloe getting lots of loves from her daddy. There is no question that she is already a "daddy's girl".

Here is 6 month old Chloe. This is pretty much how she sits all the time. She loves to play with her toes. At her 6 month appointment, she weighed in at 16lb 11oz (75%), height of 26 1/2 inches (75%), and head size of 42.5cm (50%). She is staying very consistent on her growth chart percentiles.

Phil and I love this little girl so much, we aren't sure if there is any possibility to love her any more!

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