Monday, June 13, 2011

27 weeks old

Mark and Wendy came for a visit over the Memorial day weekend to run in their 2nd Bolder Boulder race. Mark and Wendy are the 1st uncle and aunt that Chloe has met. She wasn't sure about them at first, but then she really warmed up.

There is that sweet, big smile! Keep the smiles coming Chloe!!!

Chloe is ready to enjoy the sunny weekend weather. We are headed out to Wash Park with Wendy and Mark.

A little bird made a nest on top of our outdoor speaker right by our sliding glass door. We started to hear birds chirping so we brought out the ladder and took this picture. It's hard to see, but there are 4 baby birds in this nest.

Here is Chloe hanging out with uncle Mark. Maybe she's wondering why he doesn't have any hair on top of his head but down on his chin...

Talking with aunt Wendy. Chloe kept wanting to play with Wendy's bracelet watch.

Here is Chloe patiently waiting for some solid food. Still, her favorites are sweet potatoes and apples.

Summer is definitely here with high temperatures reaching 90 degrees. Here is Chloe playing in her summer dress. Look at those rolls!!!

She loves playing with her daddy. Chloe loves to giggle and laugh while playing with daddy.

Thanks for visiting and keeping up with Chloe's development!

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