Monday, June 27, 2011

29 Weeks old!

The new development this week for Chloe is that she is back to a daycare setting instead of having a nanny. We had a really good recommendation for an "at home" daycare place. Chloe got to visit two days this week and she loved it. Her favorite thing to do was to watch the 2-3 yo toddlers playing around. We are hoping that she will learn more things at the daycare that we can't teach her at home. We love to pick up a happy baby at the end of the day.

Chloe at the Rockies game. She loves seeing lots of people and cheering for the Rockies. She got to meet Dinger (the mascot) as well.

She is starting to eat more solids and seems to enjoy them.

Chloe is still spending most of her playtime sitting down. She does lunge forward as if she wants to crawl, but hasn't been successful in moving forward. She loves to stand up while holding on to our fingers. If she has something to hold on to, she can remain standing for a while. She is still such a sweet and happy baby.

Chloe came back from her 1st day at her new daycare with her first art project. We proudly posted it on our refrigerator.

Here is Chloe, bright and early on the 2nd day of her daycare morning. We are so happy that Chloe is doing so well at her new daycare!!!

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