Saturday, June 28, 2008

Flea Market

Saturday, we got up at 5am and loaded both of our cars with our "junk" for the flea market. When we got to the base there were at least 100 Japanese cars lined up outside the gate for the flea market to open up. We knew then that this was no joke. Once we got into the base, there was another line of about 50 or so cars waiting to register to set up at the flea market. Once we pulled into our spot, swarms of people came over to our car as we are unloading out stuff! I think we sold about 10 items just within minutes of opening up our trunk. It was a little overwhelming at first. As you can see in this first picture, the Japanese man was running from spot to spot looking for good deals before the others get there. We got a good chuckle from this.
I had to say "good bye" to many of my old clothes, but it was fun and now I get to find new ones to replace them! We could not believe how fast the stuff was going. We had sold about 80% of our stuff in the first hour. We started at about 6:30am, and waited with the last of our stuff until about 9:30.
This picture was taken around 8am, and you can see most of our stuff is about gone and.......

.....this is an hour later, and we are pretty much just hot, tired and done at this point. But the flea market was definitely a success, and we had fun, we got rid of some stuff we no longer needed, and made some money doing it.

Finally, today was Gator's 5th Birthday, We almost forgot due to the Flea market (and we also had some of our good friends over for some Korean bar-b-q), so it was a busy day. But Gator did get a birthday present, and Ali even sang him happy birthday!


Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Oooh, I like the new layout! I'm still "working" on mine...

What a successful flea market experience! Now I'm pumped to find out about how we can do one. We have so much junk to get rid of!

Happy 5th birthday to Gator! Has it been 5 years already? I remember when you first brought him over to meet "cousin Tucker" who I think thought Gator was a tasty little treat Aunt Maria brought for him. Poor Gator, didn't like Tucker ever since. :)

Well, I better go before Susie has a fit...

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Your flea market experience is much like every weekend here in El Paso. People from Mexico will knock on our door bright and early in the AM just to see if we're having a garage sale or if there's anything we want to sell. Do you see a sign anywhere???

Happy birthday, Gator! Is her really only a year younger than Albert? Wow. Where are the pictures of the Korean BBQ??? My stomach is growling already!