Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kalua Pork and Cabbage

We miss Hawaii so much that we decided to cook up a Hawaiian dish. This really was delicious and we wanted to share it with everyone. Of course, we had to eat it with rice.
We both love trying different dishes and try to re-create restaurant's delicious dishes at home.
There is a small little Hawaiian restaurant called Ono Kau Kau in Okinawa that we frequently visit and the Kalua Pork and Cabbage is our favorite dish there. I found several different recipes online and improvised a little bit. I hope some of you get to try this at home and enjoy it as much as we did.

Ingredients: 1-2 lbs pork butt (with or without bone), 2TBSP liquid smoke, 2TBSP salt, 2 cups of water, 1-2 cups of chopped cabbage, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 1tsp minced garlic, 1 TBSP oil

Directions: Place pork, liquid smoke, salt and water into a slow cooker. Cook it on high for 7 hours. I turned the slow cooker on the night before and turned down to low in the morning and the pork was very very tender by 5pm. When the pork is ready, place 1TBSP of oil on a skillet over medium-high heat. When the oil is heated, place garlic and onion and saute for about 3-5 minutes until onion is tender. Add Chopped cabbage into the skillet and saute until cabbage wilts. While cabbage is cooking, take the pork meat out of the slow cooker and shred using a fork. The meat should easily fall apart with just a fork. Add the meat and some of the liquid (depending on your liking) into the skillet and heat for another minute or so. Garnish with green onions if desired. Hope you like it.


Unknown said...

This is one tasty dish, believe me.
Hopefully for all you out there who were not able to visit Okinawa, you can have a small taste of one of our favorite restaurants!
And of course it was super delicious just like all of Maria's cooking! How did I get so Lucky!!!

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

OOh, I can't wait for...Steve to try out this recipe on me! Hee Hee! Poor guy, he isn't as lucky as Phil. Married a girl who doesn't cook! :) Thanks for sharing the recipe, we'll let you know how it turns out!

PS--How do you comment as just your name on not your blog address?

Beat Emetaphobia said...

We're always looking for good recipes and those recommended by friends are the absolute best. When Tony gets back next week, we're definitely going to do some cooking together. It's a wonderful date without having to leave the house...perfect for a couple who has a baby! Thanks for sharing. I knew we were friends for a reason... according to Leslie (actually Steve), not many people take pictures of food like we do...who knew??

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

We tried the recipe today...what a tasty treat to come home to! Thanks for sharing! It's a keeper in our books!

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

PS--Did you know that pork "butt" and "shoulder" are the same thing? I had no idea! Shows how much I cooking I do!

The Johnsons said...

I'm so glad that you guys enjoyed the dish. I'm assuming Steve did most of the cooking. We'll share more yummy recipes soon.