Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gator and Ali

Not much has happened in the past week. We have made a "to-do" list of things that needs to be done before we leave the island, when we get to Seattle for check-out, and when we get to Denver. Our flight has been confirmed to leave Okinawa on August 3rd and will be arriving in Seattle on the same day. If everything goes as planned, we should be in Denver, CO by no later than 15th of August.
We are in a dire need of help in trying to potty train our little Ali. She seems to know that she isn't suppose to be doing her business inside the house, but accidents are happening more than once a day. Phil keeps telling her if she doesn't learn soon, that she will be sitting outside the house with a "for sale" sign around her neck. That doesn't seem to phase her though. :)
We are open to any suggestions. Please help our little Ali.
Doesn't it look like Gator is telling Ali a little secret in this picture? These kiddies of ours make us laugh so much.
This Saturday, we are going to set up a booth at a flea market to sell our unwanted stuff around the house. You never know how much junk you have in your house, until you drag them all out into the living room. I'm getting really excited about my first flea market experience. :)
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather! I'll tell you all about our flea market experience next week.
PS: Happy Birthday Aggie!!!!


Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Let me know how your flea market sale goes. We've got most of Steve's stuff moved in, and it doesn't take dragging everything to the living room to realize how much "junk" WE have. I'm thinking of doing the flea market thing, too, or as the Germans say "Flohmarkt"!

Aren't "doggie babies" the best? Tuck Tuck was surprisingly a quick potty trainer. All it took was his first trip home to JiJi and Papa's house a month after I got him and me being deathly afraid of him having an "accident" on my mom's off-white carpet. I took him out every hour and rewarded him each time, and I guess he just got used to it. He's so good now that he won't even poop in his own backyard...which gets annoying when I'm trying to be lazy and he's demanding his bidaily walk! Good luck! Phil better not sneak her in the flea market pile!

I think we're going to try your Kahlua pork recipe next week. We love coming home to a great crock pot meal after a long day's work. We'll let you know how we like it!

Good luck with the move! I know you must be getting excited! We love Colorado and hope to settle down there one day, too! Until then, we'll plan to visit often!

Happy Birthday Aggie!

Beat Emetaphobia said...

Obviously "the molinaro's" don't know when to stop on the comments. It's a "comment" Leslie, not a novel!!! Just kidding. I love reading comments, too, so no limits to comments on our blog! It seems so far off when we potty trained Albert. I guess we used the kennel during the day and then took him out often when we could with treats after going potty. Hounds LOVE treats. Now with less time for Albert and longer days away from home during the work week, Albert still has accidents. At least he does it in on the tile in the bathroom. Makes for easy cleaning! Good luck and I wish I was of more help. Good luck with the flea market, too. Take photos!

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Hey Hey Hey "Team Koagel", I'll remember that next time I leave a comment on your page....if I ever do again! I demand an apology or you will never get a comment again! How's that for bribery?!? :) Just for the record, when I do start a blog, there will be no word limit...okay, I'm rambling again...better go!