Saturday, June 14, 2008


We hope this blog will help keep closer contact with our friends and family.
We have just returned from two weeks of vacation starting from our friends Leslie and Steve's wedding in Germany to our own beautiful wedding in Maui, Hawaii.
We were able to meet our old and new friends during our vacation and reunite with our family.
We have just a little over a month left in Okinawa, Japan and the Johnsons (Phil, Maria, Gator and Ali) will be heading for Denver, Colorado.
Gator and Ali stayed in the Karing Kennels inside the Air Force base during our vacation and they seemed to have had not too stressful time. Ali is still not 100% potty trained, but she is improving little by little everyday. It really helps to have such a great big brother to model after.
We would like to thank you all for your support and friendship and please stay tuned for more of the Johnsons adventures.

1 comment:

Steve and Leslie (and Tucker, too!) said...

Oooh, that pineapple upside down cake brings back some wonderful (and delicious!) memories!
Glad to see the "Johnsong's" have entered the blogging world. Just what I need is another blog to keep me distracted! Maybe it'll motivate the "Molinaroakes'" to finally start our blog! ;)