Sunday, March 27, 2011

17 weeks and 4 months old

This week, Chloe turned 4 months old and with that Chloe had another doctor's visit. As always, the verdict is that Chloe is a healthy and a chunky baby. She weighed in at 14lbs 10oz (75%), length at 24.75 inches (75%), and head size at 40.5cm (50%). We are so happy and thankful to know that Chloe is a healthy baby.

Chloe has been very voiceful lately. Most of the times, she squeals like a pig. It is very funny. But, there will be times where she will make noises and move her mouth in a way that it does look like she is really trying to talk to us.

We've now had the same nanny for Chloe for over a month and it's been working out really well. It seems that both Chloe and the nanny have really bonded. My favorite part of having a nanny (besides the fact that Chloe gets one on one attention) is that our nanny sends me Chloe's updates via text messages constantly. She texts us when Chloe goes down for a nap, when they ,are playing and reading, eating her food, and also will send us pictures of Chloe. Even though Chloe can't tell us with words how her day was with the nanny, her happy, smiling face tells us that she's been well taken cared of. It is the total opposite of when we used to pick her up from daycare, when Chloe used to scream and cry the whole way home.

Here are some pictures from this week.
Chloe is still diligently doing her tummy time to strengthen those neck muscles.

More tummy time. Whenever she spots the camera, she will stare right at it.

Recently, she loves to twist her body and look behind her head.

I made a big mistake of not taking my camera with me to her 4 month check up, so I only have this photo of her totally tired out in her car seat once we got home.

Happy 4 month old Chloe! Look how big she has gotten!

She loves to stand on her feet.

Trying a different hairpin just for fun!

Chloe says "Thank you" for visiting our blog!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

16 weeks

At 16 weeks, Chloe seems so much more alert with her surroundings. When she grabs or touches things, she really means to touch them or grab them. She started to pet some of her stuffed toys too. We've got her to laugh as well, but could not catch it on video to share with everyone.

Chloe has also slept through the night (11hours) for two nights this week. We thought we were all set, but she again started to wake up around 4am for a feeding. We'll patiently wait for her to sleep 12 hours straight without any wakings.

Mom was also happy this week, because some new bows and headbands came in the mail. Dad acts like he is not on board with the headbands, but mom knows that he secretly likes putting these on Chloe. :)

Mmm, my fingers are so yummy mommy! I've been constantly taking her hands out of her mouth, but she might end up winning this battle afterall...

Have you seen her chubby feetsies yet? Aren't they the cutest?

Hi there Chloe! Did I catch you playing with your doll, Susan? Our neighbor, Susan, bought her this doll, so we named it after her. :) Doesn't Chloe's expression look like she has been up to no good?

Something really exciting must be going on behind Chloe for her to twist her torso to see what's going on.

It turns out Chloe likes to watch TV just like her dad. I would strategically place her so that she can't watch it, but now she seems to be figuring out a way to watch TV.

She still sits in the bumbo chair pretty well, but she doesn't last too long in it. Her favorite place is still the bouncey seat.

What are you doing with daddy's hat? Well, Chloe is getting ready to cheer really hard for the Gators during March Madness. We will be happy if the Gators make it to at least sweet 16!!
To celebrate Chloe turning 4 months old, we bought her a new toy. Here is the video of her playing in it for the first time. You can also see how our living room has turned into Chloe's playground. How our life has changed...

Monday, March 14, 2011

15 weeks old

Chloe is now 15 weeks old.

Last week, she was just drinking 5oz of breastmilk two or three feedings, but this week she has moved onto drinking 5oz every feeding. We tried to give her just 4oz, but she cried for more once the empty bottle sound came. Now this has led to my milk supply issue. I am having a difficult time keeping up with her needs. We tried to give her a bottle of formula, but it seems that she can tell the difference in taste. She will suck for couple of times, and then push out everything that is in her mouth. I pretty much force fed her about 2 to 3 oz of formula and then within about an hour, she spat up almost all of it. It almost seemed to me like a mild vomit. We tried the powder ones, premixed ones, and then we tried the soy based one. Finally, we found the one she likes, which is Enfamil Prosobee for sensitive tummy. She downs it just like she does my breast milk and no spit ups afterwards. Phew!

The other big development this week is her swaddling issue. She's been sleeping really well with her arms swaddled. But recently she has gotten strong enough to break free of the swaddle in the middle of the night. I wish I had a picture to share with you, it is a pretty funny sight. I tried to see if she can fall asleep without swaddling, but her arms are flailing about too much for her to fall asleep. For now, we are going to continue to swaddle her tighter and tighter. If anybody has any advice on how to transition from swaddle to unswaddle, we are all ears!!

Here are some pictures from this week.
Here is Chloe doing some tummy time on the recliner.

Here is Chloe about to go down for a nap. Yes, she is still sleeping on our guest bed. Well, she thinks it is her bed....

Here she is getting dried off after her bath. Look at all those rolls. Is she is chunky baby or what?

She has really mastered batting at objects. Sometimes, it still seems like she is hitting them on accident rather than on purpose.

What? No!!!! Chloe has found her thumb. We'll have to see who wins this battle...

Chloe likes to play in her crib, just not sleep in it. Well, I think she might sleep in it, but we keep putting her on the guest bed. (Maybe because we like to lay next to her???)

Let's peek in to see what Chloe is looking at.

Here is my attempt to put her down without swaddling in her crib. She thought it was very funny of me to try this and kept smiling at me.
Phil and I are having so much fun with this little baby even though we are clueless at times with new developments that come about. We are thankful for such a beautiful, healthy baby everyday!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

14 weeks and "Baek-il"

Chloe is now 14 weeks old and turned 100days old on the 4th of March.
She is now drinking 5oz of milk two or three feedings and 4oz of milk at rest of the feedings. If she continues to drink like this, then my milk supply will run out pretty fast and we will have to supplement with formula soon.
We weighed her at home and she weighs little over 14lbs right now.

She still loves to hang out in her bouncey seat. She is getting pretty strong with her kicking movements so we need to strap her in if we aren't right next to her.

Halmunee and halahbujee sent Chloe this gift for her 100th day. Chloe was scared of this activity mat at first (first time she cried big time), but once she figured out that it is a safe and fun toy for her, she loved playing in it.

It's been awhile since we last posted a close up photo of Chloe's chubby cheeks, so here it is. So sweet!

Here is a happy Chloe hanging out with daddy while mommy is at work. Chloe apparently giggles and laughs while I'm at work, but she won't do it for me when I am home.

Chloe is now big enough, that we no longer bathe her with the infant sling. She sits in the tub and splashes water with her legs. It is really cute to watch.
Chloe turned 100days old. Chloe woke up cooing as usual and we started the day with a fun bath time.

As long as we wrap her in a warm towel and keep her warm while we massage her with lotion, she stays pretty happy.

We dressed her back in her PJ's, because she still had her morning feeding to do. Lately, she's been having blowouts in her diaper during her first feeding in the morning.

Here is daddy feeding Chloe in a strategic position so that when Chloe drops a bomb in her diaper, it doesn't leak up toward her back.

Yeah! She is still wearing the same onesie, which means no blowout!!! (Pretty rare these days). Chloe had a jam packed schedule on her 100th day. After this "tummy time", she had to take a good nap so that she would be in a great mood during her "3 month" photo shoot. And then, we have our own 100th day photos to take at home. Finally, we'll be visiting our neighbors with cupcakes.

Chloe did not nap well like we hoped, so she fussed a little at the photo studio, but the photographer said that she's got some really cute photos for us to pick from. Chloe took a good 2 hour nap when she got home and while she was napping Phil and I decorated the cupcakes and arranged them on the table. We are all set for photos and just waiting for little Chloe to wake up from her nap!

Happy 100th day, Chloe!! We are very thankful that Chloe is such a healthy baby and that she made it to her 100th day without any illness.
(Aggie, thank you for the cute 100th day outfit!)

Thank you so much for visiting out blog. I leave you with this cute little video clip of Chloe playing.

13 weeks old

Chloe is now 13 weeks old and turned 3 months old on the 25th.
Her daily schedule is becoming more predictable these days. She usually wakes up around 7am and rarely will wake up in a bad mood. She still eats every 3 hours during the day with her last feeding at around 7-8pm. She sleeps a good 6 to 7 hours without another feeding, which has been really nice for us.

She is so much fun to be around. She loves to play with different toys. Aggie gave us this toy that Paul and Joshua used to play with. Chloe loves to watch all the lights that light up and listen to the music that plays.

She really fits well into her 3-6 month clothes. Here is Chloe just chilling on the sofa.

Chloe loves to watch us run on the treadmill. Here, she is just swinging away in her swing watching her mommy try to lose the baby weight.

Here is the pic of Chloe at 3 months old. She has good control of her head now and is very curious of everything around her.

One of our friends gave us a bumbo chair to try out. We weren't sure if Chloe was old enough to sit in it, but come to find out chloe loves it! She likes to sit there and play with the soft middle part of the chair.
Next week, Chloe turns 100days old. It's called "Baek-il" in Korean and it is a big milestone celebration in Korea traditionally. Stay tuned for more photos!!